Geeska Afrika Online

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  • Eritrea condemns EU for ‘malicious’ sanctions

    Eritrea condemns EU for ‘malicious’ sanctions

    ASMARA (HAN) March 22. 2021. Public Diplomacy and Regional Stability Initiatives News. Monitoring Regional Issues. Eritrea has condemned as “malicious” the European Union’s decision to impose sanctions on its National Security Office (NSO) for alleged human rights abuses. “The EU has no legal or moral prerogative for its decision and has merely invoked trumped-up charges…

  • Ethiopia deploys more troops to prevent refugees from crossing into Sudan

    Ethiopia deploys more troops to prevent refugees from crossing into Sudan

    The Ethiopian Federal Army deployed more troops on the border area to prevent people fleeing the war in the Tigray region to cross into Sudan. The federal troops have retaken control of most of the territory of the Tigray region. However, the TPLF fighters continue to resist in several areas triggering new waves of refugees.…

  • President Farmajo signs law postponing constitution amendment

    President Farmajo signs law postponing constitution amendment

    MOGADISHU – Somali President Mohamed Farmaajo on Thursday issued decree to suspend the ongoing constitutional amendments. The presidential decree stated that decision was reached as the country is moving a transitional period. “The President of the Federal Republic of Somalia HE Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo has signed a Presidential Decree postponing the approval of the Amendments to…

  • Ethiopia: More than 100 people in Massacre

    Ethiopia: More than 100 people in Massacre

    More than 100 people have been killed in Ethiopia’s western region of Benishangul-Gumuz, in the latest massacre along ethnic lines in the country. Witnesses and officials said that at least 102 people were killed in the attack early on Wednesday in the Metekel zone. The attack occurred a day after the prime minister, Abiy Ahmed,…

  • Ethiopia: Air Space Reinstated For Air Transport Service

    Ethiopia: Air Space Reinstated For Air Transport Service

    Addis Ababa, December 14, 2020 – The Ethiopian Civil Aviation Authority has today announced the reinstatement of the airspace in Tigray region starting from 2:00 PM on December 14, 2020. All the airports in airspace of the northern region of the country have also been allowed to resume flight services accordingly as of today, the…

  • 5 militants killed by Somali army in southern region

    5 militants killed by Somali army in southern region

    Somali National Army (SNA) on Monday killed five al-Shabab fighters in a security operation in Gedo region in the southern part of the country, a military officer confirmed. The army conducted a planned operation targeting bases run by al-Shabab militants along the road linking Luq and Garbaharey towns, said Osman Abdi Qorah, commander of SNA’s…

  • Ethiopia: Army Says It Is in Control of Tigray Capital

    Ethiopia: Army Says It Is in Control of Tigray Capital

    Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed says his army is now “fully in control” of the regional capital of Mekele. It is unclear whether the leaders of the rebellious Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) have surrendered. Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed said Saturday that the army had entered Mekele, the capital of the Tigray region in an…

  • Political consensus in Somalia must be “preserved and indeed deepened,” says UN envoy

    Political consensus in Somalia must be “preserved and indeed deepened,” says UN envoy

    UNITED NATIONS, Nov. 23 — The “broad political consensus” reached in September that ended a two-year stalemate in Somalia, an impoverished, war-torn eastern African country, must be “preserved and indeed deepened,” the country’s UN envoy told the Security Council on Monday. Although the agreed model of voting “regrettably fell short” of the constitutional requirement for…

  • Ethiopia: TPLF Junta Destroying Infrastructure

    Ethiopia: TPLF Junta Destroying Infrastructure

    Addis Ababa, November 18, 2020 -The TPLF junta has been destroying infrastructure in Tigray regional state, said the State of Emergency Fact Checking. Anxious about the advance of the defence forces, the junta has destroyed four bridges that lead to the city of Mekelle and destroyed the asphalt road between Shire and Axum, it said…

  • Ethiopia: Why Seyoum Mesfin Faces Reckoning If TPLF loses?

    Ethiopia: Why Seyoum Mesfin Faces Reckoning If TPLF loses?

    Djibouti  (HAN) November 13th, 2020. Regional Security and Internal Stability. The EPRDF regime led by TPLF for three decades in Ethiopia (1991-2018),  was  generally recognized and  become over the years a repressive communist style state that silences any critics and opposition. According to the Editor of Geeska Afrika Online, Dr. Abdullahi mohamed said, “If you…
