Geeska Afrika Online

Category: Somalia

  • SOMALIA: Above-ground risks blunt its E&P licensing prospects?

    SOMALIA: Above-ground risks blunt its E&P licensing prospects?

    Nairobi (HAN)  February 26. 2024. Public Diplomacy and Regional Stability Initiatives News. Monitoring Regional Issues. By: Ida Hockerfelt. Amid higher global oil prices and a sharpening focus on new oil and gas supply sources to offset dependence on Russia, East African frontier Somalia has a renewed opportunity to attract foreign investors to its upstream hydrocarbon…

  • Russia: Agreement waving the debt owed by Somalia

    Russia: Agreement waving the debt owed by Somalia

    Mogadishu (HAN) Febuary 27th, 2024 – Regional Financial security initiatives – The Russian Federation led by President Putin,  off the debts of Somalia’s current government worth more than $684 million. Somalia’s Finance Minister, Bihi Iman Egeh, and Russian Deputy Finance Minister, Timur Igorevich Maksimov, have jointly inked an agreement waving the debt owed by Somalia…

  • Somalia & Uganda hold first ever business summit together

    Somalia & Uganda hold first ever business summit together

    The business communities of Somali and Uganda have held first ever business summit as they explored potential trade opportunities. In a two day event which started today in Kampala, corporates and the business group from the region showcased their products and services with intention to attract investors, partners and markets. Somalia’s newly elected president Hassan…

  • SOMALIA: Xi sends congratulatory letter to China-Africa peace

    SOMALIA: Xi sends congratulatory letter to China-Africa peace

    DEGEHABUR  (HAN) JULY 26. 2022. Public Diplomacy and Regional Stability Initiatives News. Monitoring Regional Issues. Chinese President Xi Jinping on Monday sent a congratulatory letter to the second China-Africa Peace and Security Forum, which was held by Chinese Ministry of National Defense. Realizing enduring peace and universal security is a common aspiration of the Chinese…

  • ETHIOPIA: The Weeknd Goodwill Ambassador

    ETHIOPIA: The Weeknd Goodwill Ambassador

    Just six months after The Weeknd shared on Instagram that he planned to donate $1 million to provide two million meals —through the United Nations World Food Programme —to Ethiopians facing hunger, the Canadian singer has officially been named a Goodwill Ambassador by the humanitarian organization. The recognition for the After Hours crooner, born Abel Makkonen Tesfaye, took place…

  • SOMALIA: Russia Pledged To Help African Countries Finally Complete The Process Of Decolonization

    SOMALIA: Russia Pledged To Help African Countries Finally Complete The Process Of Decolonization

    MOSCOW (HAN) JULY 24. 2022. Public Diplomacy and Regional Stability Initiatives News. Monitoring Regional Issues. BY: Andrew Korybko When one thinks about liberation, the first thing that comes to the minds of many is Africa’s decolonization cause, which regrettably hasn’t yet been completed in full. It therefore naturally follows that if Russia wants to obtain…

  • SOMALIA: ‘We do not negotiate with terrorists’ – but why?

    SOMALIA: ‘We do not negotiate with terrorists’ – but why?

    For decades, politicians in the US and the UK have regularly stated that ‘we do not negotiate with terrorists’, arguing that it is both morally indefensible and impractical – likely to encourage more terrorism and legitimize terrorist aims. However, other Western governments have negotiated with terrorist groups. In 2014, countries including France and Spain were…

  • Archive 2016: Why Presidents Are Successfully Re-Elected Through Electoral Success?

    Archive 2016: Why Presidents Are Successfully Re-Elected Through Electoral Success?

    MOGADISHU (HAN) May 16. 2022. Public Diplomacy and Regional Stability Initiatives News. Monitoring Regional Issues by SIRAD Staff on August 12, 2016 in Reports. Public opinion data, as scholars, journalists, and political commentators have sought to answer this question; there has been considerable debate about the dynamics and impact of public opinion about president’s term in office for re-election, 2016.…



    MOGADISHU (HAN) May 16. 2022. Public Diplomacy and Regional Stability Initiatives News. Monitoring Regional Issues. OPINION By Faisal Roble Today is May 15, 2022 and it coincides two major events with each having its own weight in Somali history. About 75 years ago, the Somali Youth League, SYL, which delivered independence to Somalia was established.…

  • Somalia Hassan Sheikh Mohamud elected the 2022 Presidential Election

    Somalia Hassan Sheikh Mohamud elected the 2022 Presidential Election

    MOGADISHU (HAN) May 15. 2022. Public Diplomacy and Regional Stability Initiatives News. Monitoring Regional Issues.  Somali members of parliament have elected former leader Hassan Sheikh Mohamud as the country’s next president, following a long-overdue election on Sunday in the troubled Horn of Africa nation. Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, who served as Somalia’s president between 2012 and…
