Geeska Afrika Online

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  • SOMALIA: Above-ground risks blunt its E&P licensing prospects?

    SOMALIA: Above-ground risks blunt its E&P licensing prospects?

    Nairobi (HAN)  February 26. 2024. Public Diplomacy and Regional Stability Initiatives News. Monitoring Regional Issues. By: Ida Hockerfelt. Amid higher global oil prices and a sharpening focus on new oil and gas supply sources to offset dependence on Russia, East African frontier Somalia has a renewed opportunity to attract foreign investors to its upstream hydrocarbon…

  • ERITREA: Russia In Talks To Set Up ‘Logistics Center’ On Red Sea Coast

    ERITREA: Russia In Talks To Set Up ‘Logistics Center’ On Red Sea Coast

    DEGEHABUR (HAN) September 01, 2018. Public Diplomacy and Regional Stability Initiatives News. Monitoring Regional Issues. Russia is in talks with Eritrea to set up a logistics center at one of the North African country’s seaports, Russian news agencies cited Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov as saying on August 31. Eritrea occupies a strategically significant location on…



    DEGEHABUR (HAN) JULY 28. 2022. Public Diplomacy and Regional Stability Initiatives News. Monitoring Regional Issues. The Prime Minister of the Federal Government of Somalia Mr. Hamse Abdi Barre who had meetings and discussions with different sectors of the society, the civilians had a great meeting last night with businessmen led by the higher administration of…

  • ERITREA: Seminar To Nationals In Israel

    ERITREA: Seminar To Nationals In Israel

    Asmara (HAN) JULY 26. 2022. Public Diplomacy and Regional Stability Initiatives News. Monitoring Regional Issues. Nationals residing in Israel expressed conviction to strengthen organizational capacity and participation in national affairs. At the seminar that was organized in cooperation with the Eritrean community and Eritrean Embassy in Israel, Mr. Solomon Kinfe, Charge d’Affairs at the Eritrean Embassy,…

  • ETHIOPIA: The Weeknd talks about his journey from Scarborough to world stages

    ETHIOPIA: The Weeknd talks about his journey from Scarborough to world stages

    Does Abel Tesfaye ever sleep? Judging by the hectic pace of his life these past few months for the 32-year-old, Toronto-born superstar sensation known as The Weeknd, one would have their doubts. Aside from being knee deep in rehearsals in Philadelphia for “After Hours til Dawn” — a multi-year, worldwide, stadium-filling extravaganza that was supposed…

  • ETHIOPIA: China Calls For ‘Immediate Ceasefire’ In Ukraine

    ETHIOPIA: China Calls For ‘Immediate Ceasefire’ In Ukraine

    All parties to the conflict should “sit down, calm down” and resume talks, Beijing’s ambassador to the US has said China calls for an “immediate ceasefire” in Ukraine and the resumption of talks between all of the parties involved in the conflict, including the US and NATO, Chinese Ambassador to the US Qin Gang said on Wednesday.…

  • Somalia Hassan Sheikh Mohamud elected the 2022 Presidential Election

    Somalia Hassan Sheikh Mohamud elected the 2022 Presidential Election

    MOGADISHU (HAN) May 15. 2022. Public Diplomacy and Regional Stability Initiatives News. Monitoring Regional Issues.  Somali members of parliament have elected former leader Hassan Sheikh Mohamud as the country’s next president, following a long-overdue election on Sunday in the troubled Horn of Africa nation. Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, who served as Somalia’s president between 2012 and…

  • Somalia: New Parliament Speaker Sparks Hope for a New dawn

    Somalia: New Parliament Speaker Sparks Hope for a New dawn

    MOGADISHU (HAN) April 28. 2022. Public Diplomacy and Regional Stability Initiatives News. Monitoring Regional Issues. By Feisal Omar – Somalia’s lawmakers elected Sheikh Adan Mohamed Nur as their new speaker on Thursday, in a vote that was delayed most of the previous day due to disagreements over who would be in charge of the security…

  • Somalia President Drops 2-year Term Extension

    Somalia President Drops 2-year Term Extension

    WASHINGTON – Somalia President Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed says he will no longer pursue a two-year extension of his presidential term, giving in to internal and international pressure to back away from a controversial resolution on the extension passed by the Lower House of Parliament. In a televised address, Mohamed said he will appear before the Lower House of Parliament on Saturday to ask the lawmakers to restore last…

  • Ending the Somalia Conflict through Economic Self Determination

    Ending the Somalia Conflict through Economic Self Determination

    The Organization of Emerging African States (OEAS) is a unique African based international organization serving the emerging states of Africa seeking political and economic self-determination under the African Charter on Human & Peoples’ Rights. Somalia has suffered endless civil unrest fueled by extremism, warlordism, and foreign intervention. A solution has finally emerged to the long…
