Geeska Afrika Online

Category: Eritrea

  • Eritrea: How NUEW Networks Form the Backbone of Leadership

    Eritrea: How NUEW Networks Form the Backbone of Leadership

    Asmara (HAN) November 3, 2014 – Public diplomacy and Regional Security and safety news. The Eritrean newly formed NUEW are the back-born of president’s leadership. The newly formed Central Council of the National Union of Eritrean Women (NUEW) today concluded its meeting electing an 11-member Executive Committee and charting action plan for 2015, in addition…

  • Eritrea: Weekly Diplomatic campaign to regain regional security trust

    Eritrea: Weekly Diplomatic campaign to regain regional security trust

    Asmara (HAN) October 31, 2014 – Public diplomacy and Regional Energy Security and safety news. Earlier this week the Eritrean diplomat leaked an Eritrean diplomatic campaign to regain trust, according to Geeska Afrika Online sources, told Horn of Africa News-line (HAN) that, a major marine security protection zone would be established with Yemeni government and…

  • Eritrea: Denying access will force Regional pressure to protect Eritrean People

    Eritrea: Denying access will force Regional pressure to protect Eritrean People

    Asmara (HAN) October 29, 2014. Public diplomacy and Regional Security Industry Tracker news. IGAD & Security Council Policy Brief -denying human right access review in Eritrea. Ban spoke Wednesday during a brief stop in the capital, Mogadishu, part of a multi-nation tour without Eritrea to pledge support for Somalia’s transition and strengthen security across the wider…

  • Eritrea: Eritrean Intellectuals in the West to create their own Voice in Australia

    Eritrea: Eritrean Intellectuals in the West to create their own Voice in Australia

    Melbourne (HAN) October 28, 2014 – Public diplomacy and International diaspora development news. In an exclusive interview with Dr Berhan Ahmed. It’s time for the Eritrean people in the West to create their own Voice in Australia, and elect their own representatives to parliament. The upper house team in the Western Metro Region will be…

  • Eritrea: Embargoes and sanctions without credible link to Al-Shabaab

    Eritrea: Embargoes and sanctions without credible link to Al-Shabaab

    Asmara (HAN) October 27, 2014. Public diplomacy and Regional Security Industry Tracker news.   The government of Eritrea still maintains it has nothing to hide from SEMG and is a victim of a conspiracy. Given that SEMG reports appear to give Eritrea a ‘clean bill of health’ on Al-Shabaab, it has not lifted SEMG’s persona…

  • Eritrea: In response to UN Monitoring Group on Somalia

    Eritrea: In response to UN Monitoring Group on Somalia

    Mogadishu (HAN) October 24, 2014. Expert Analysis, Your Power & Regional Influence Magazine, opinion page By   Muse Haji Mohamed “Ganjab”.  Geeska Afrika Online Archives: In 2013, the Somali federal government announced that it had launched a new Public Finance Management Policy (PFMP) to render more transparent, accurate and timely its public sector financial system, and…

  • Eritrea: In Israel, Contributed $50 to the Martyrs Trust Fund

    Eritrea: In Israel, Contributed $50 to the Martyrs Trust Fund

    Asmara (HAN) October 21, 2014 – Public diplomacy and Regional Security and safety news.  The Eritrean Ambassador to Israel, Tesfamariam Tekeste, has stressed the need to strengthen the prevailing national unity with a view to building a prosperous nation. The Eritrean Ambassador to Israel, Tesfamariam Tekeste made the remarks at a meeting with Eritrean community…

  • Eritrea: Africa Bank approved Strategical transition to green growth

    Eritrea: Africa Bank approved Strategical transition to green growth

    Khartoum (HAN) October 19, 2014. Public diplomacy and Regional food security and safety news.Interim Country Strategy Paper 2014 upto 2016. Based on the Notion of Beyond Survival, The Economic Challenges of Agriculture & Development in Post-Independent Eritrea. Although important assistance has been provided, the uneasy relationship between the Government of Eritrea and UN agencies and international…

  • The Eritrean ambassador: "We are in a situation of neither war nor peace"

    The Eritrean ambassador: "We are in a situation of neither war nor peace"

    Asmara (HAN) October 19, 2014. Public diplomacy and Regional security and safety news. Your Comments about The Eritrean ambassador: “We are in a situation of neither war nor peace”, Eritrean ambassador, Hanna Simon Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the State of Eritrea to France Permanent Delegate. France Journalists giving testimony on how they get attached…

  • Eritrea: President Afwerki’s message of goodwill with the European Union

    Eritrea: President Afwerki’s message of goodwill with the European Union

    Asmara (HAN) October 18, 2014 – Public diplomacy, National Security News. According to Geeska Afrika Online diplomatic notes, the first of these Goodwill diplomatic messages was sent to EU by President of Eritrea last year to re-establish a good diplomatic partnership with European union. This week, the Eritrean Ambassador to the European Union, Ambassador Negasi Kassa,…
