Geeska Afrika Online

Category: Daily Security Briefing

  • Somalia: Geeska Afrika Online's Daily Security Brief

    Somalia: Geeska Afrika Online's Daily Security Brief

    Djibouti (HAN) March 19, 2014 – The loss of Somali territory appeared to funnel Somali national Army’s energies back to governance and away from failed state. Always a source of tension within the group, al-Shabaab’s national interests began to take a back seat to the priorities of the broader terror network, a series of assassinations…

  • Somalia: Al-Shabab's Deadly attack Killed military commander of Central Region

    Somalia: Al-Shabab's Deadly attack Killed military commander of Central Region

    Mogadishu (HAN) March 19, 2014 – AMISOM officers and soldiers stand near the bodies of Al-Shabaab fighters who were killed during a military operation in Bulo-Burde and Djibouti Soldiers read a Quran verses for AMISOM soldiers targeted by Al-Shabaab.  Eye Witnesses told reporters the car blast at the hotel happened around early morning and the face…

  • Somalia: Again A Suicide car bomb went off besides Makka A-Mukarama in central Mogadishu

    Somalia: Again A Suicide car bomb went off besides Makka A-Mukarama in central Mogadishu

    Mogadishu (HAN) 15 March, 2014 – A sucide car bomb went off in central Mogadishu near a hotel of Macca Al-Mukarama, a popular Hotel with government officials and businessmen, The police spokesman Gen. Madaale said. the explosion was heard today in most areas consists of Mogadishu. “There was a car bomb explosion near the rear…

  • Al-Shabaab Leader Failed to Attract Somalis Against Ethiopian Forces

    Al-Shabaab Leader Failed to Attract Somalis Against Ethiopian Forces

    Djibouti, 11th March, 2014 – The leader of Somali terrorist Group Godane purged most of his rivals within the al Shabaab leadership after years of wrangling over Wahabi ideology, Non-Somali strategy and unworkable tactics.  According to HAN & Geeska Afrika Online’s   Senior regional Intelligence & Security analyst,  Nur Kafi, MIPIS said “Al-Shabaab’s bombing campaigns and killings…

  • Kenya: President Uhuru Vows to Equip Security Forces to Curb Somalia Threats

    Kenya: President Uhuru Vows to Equip Security Forces to Curb Somalia Threats

    Addis Ababa, 8 March, 2014 – There is a high threat from regional neighbours and local terrorism in Kenya. The main threat is from Somali militants of Al Shabaab, a they opposed to the Somalia governments and its allies. Somali Al Shabaab has issued public threats against Kenyan Authorities because of its military intervention in…

  • Ethiopian forces stop Eritrean arms smuggling Through Central Somalia

    Ethiopian forces stop Eritrean arms smuggling Through Central Somalia

    Baledweyne (HAN) March 6th, 2014 – An Ethiopian Military intelligence and security source told HAN & Geeska Afrika Online that, the Ethiopian military in Central Somalia intercepted an Eritrean attempt to smuggle powerful rockets to the Southern Somalia as well as Somali territory in Ethiopia on a Yemeni commercial small boat off the coast of…

  • The Main Reason UN Security Council and USA lifts Somalia Arms Embargo

    The Main Reason UN Security Council and USA lifts Somalia Arms Embargo

    Mogadishu (HAN) March 6th, 2014 – Abdirahman Duale Beyle, Somali minister for foreign affairs and international cooperation, told the Security Council there were assassination attempts made against the nation’s president recently. This, the minister said, was an indication of the weakness of national security forces to contain peace and stability. “We are a country in…

  • Ethiopia Signals the Start of a Major War Against Al-Shabab Militants

    Ethiopia Signals the Start of a Major War Against Al-Shabab Militants

    Mogadishu (HAN) March 6th, 2014 , Ethiopian and Somali government forces have seized a key town in central Somalia from the Islamist militant group al-Shabab, officials say. The New Somali Military led by General Indhaqarsho and AMISOM forces have pushed the Somali Militant Al-Shabab from the Somali captial of Mogadishu, but it still they control other…

  • The New Somalia Mayor with Strong UN protection squad

    The New Somalia Mayor with Strong UN protection squad

    Mogadishu (HAN) March 5th, 2014 – a Somali Federal Military General, Hassan Mohamud, assumed the post of mayor of the Somali Capital Mogadishu replacing The British Somali National, Mohamed Nour Tarzan. The Somali President’s decision to appoint the new General shows that improving security in Mogadishu remains its key priority, According to HAN & Geeska…

  • Sudan: The Humanitarian Ambushed in South Sudan

    Sudan: The Humanitarian Ambushed in South Sudan

    Nairobi (HAN) March 4th, 2014 – The South Sudan’s civil war in has left civilians so hungry and desperate for relief that they are even fleeing across the border into the North Sudan (Darfur), the real troubled region of famine and suffering in neighboring Northern Sudan, the U.N. humanitarian coordinator Told HAN & Geeska Afrika…
