Geeska Afrika Online

The New Somalia Mayor with Strong UN protection squad

Mogadishu (HAN) March 5th, 2014 – a Somali Federal Military General, Hassan Mohamud, assumed the post of mayor of the Somali Capital Mogadishu replacing The British Somali National, Mohamed Nour Tarzan.

The Somali President’s decision to appoint the new General shows that improving security in Mogadishu remains its key priority, According to HAN & Geeska Afrika Online Reporter in Mogadishu, Jamal Sheikh Abiib.

The AMISOM forces, Morthan 20,000 strong African Union force, operating under a UN mandate, is battling al-Shabab in Southern Somalia, mainly in Banadir region.

The Ugandan officer Col.Ankunda said the UN mandated protection squad would ensure the AU force was not “bogged down” escorting UN staff in Mogadishu- many of whom are involved in aid work and rebuilding Somalia. “Amisom will be freed to follow al-Shabab wherever they are hiding,” he added.

Al-Shabab lost control of most of Mogadishu in 2011 to AU and Somali government troops.

It has changed its strategy since then, launching guerrilla-style attacks – including suicide bombings and night-time mortar raids.

Last month, al-Shabab fighters stormed Villa Somalia, the seat of government in Mogadishu, killing at least 11 people.

The group has waged an eight-year insurgency to overthrow the weak UN-backed government and create an Islamic state in Somalia.

Sources, HAN, BBC and Geeska Afrika Online Staff



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