Geeska Afrika Online

Kenya: President Uhuru Vows to Equip Security Forces to Curb Somalia Threats

Addis Ababa, 8 March, 2014 – There is a high threat from regional neighbours and local terrorism in Kenya. The main threat is from Somali militants of Al Shabaab, a they opposed to the Somalia governments and its allies. Somali Al Shabaab has issued public threats against Kenyan Authorities because of its military intervention in Southern Somali city of Kismayo. The Kenyan Security forces have increased security to counter potential reprisal attacks from Somalia.

Therefore, Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta today vowed to equip Kenyan security forces in response to emerging challenges such as terrorism.

Uhuru, who addressed Kenyan cabinet and principal secretaries during the ongoing retreat in Nanyuki, said his government has embarked on a modernization of all its security agencies to cope with emerging security threats.

“For a long time, the security sector has not been given the attention it deserves. We are changing that,” the president said.

The East African nation faces security challenges related to resurgence of militias in the coastal region and war against Al- Qaida linked Al-Shabaab in Somalia.

President Kenyatta said more resources will be allocated to the Kenya Defense Forces and the National Police Service to enable them to carry out their mandate more effectively.

He listed steps taken to boost security including the training of officers, the purchase of modern equipment, the leasing of vehicles to boost mobility and the construction of new houses for officers.

Defense Cabinet Secretary Raychelle Omamo welcomed the president’s assurance of a larger allocation of resources to the KDF.

Omamo said the move would enable the KDF to better play its role in defending and protecting the country’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.

She said the increased allocation would make KDF more efficient in its cooperation with other authorities in situations of emergency and disaster anywhere in the country.

She also commended the KDF for its exemplary peacekeeping performance, both regionally and globally.

According to the 2013 military ranking, the Kenyan defense forces is sixth in Africa after Egypt, Ethiopia, South Africa, Nigeria and Algeria; and 46th in the world.

Sources Xinhua News Agency and HAN – Geeska Afrika Online



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