Geeska Afrika Online

Ethiopia Signals the Start of a Major War Against Al-Shabab Militants

Mogadishu (HAN) March 6th, 2014 , Ethiopian and Somali government forces have seized a key town in central Somalia from the Islamist militant group al-Shabab, officials say.

The New Somali Military led by General Indhaqarsho and AMISOM forces have pushed the Somali Militant Al-Shabab from the Somali captial of Mogadishu, but it still they control other major parts of Southern Somalia and their hit and run battles remain a major threat against Puntland and Somaliland.

The HAN and Geeska Afrika Online’s reporter in Southern Somalia, says the lost of Dhusemareeb in the Center of Somalia is a significant, because it was a major al-Shabab military base for attacks across the regions; Puntland, Somali zone (Ethiopia) and Somaliland. These Ethiopian offensive may destabilize Puntland and Somaliland; a relatively settled Somali regions that al Shabaab militants slowly began infiltrating after they were flushed out of Southern Somalia’s major bases, Airports and Ports.

the new offensive to rout al Shabaab militants from urban redoubts in southern Somalia has been expected since Ethiopian forces joined AMISOM earlier last year 2013.

Sources, AMISOM, Ethiopia and Special forces




2 Responses to “Ethiopia Signals the Start of a Major War Against Al-Shabab Militants”

  1. aluwuhamilash

    ISAYAS will do what ever he can to stabilize Somalia and other countries like Ethiopia but for sure he will not be out of the reach of our forces.

  2. elias

    You idiot why iseyas every where?you are destroying somalia, and you will get dont worry,shabab terror are not represent great somalian people,rubish

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