Geeska Afrika Online

Category: frontpage

  • SOMALIA: ‘We do not negotiate with terrorists’ – but why?

    SOMALIA: ‘We do not negotiate with terrorists’ – but why?

    For decades, politicians in the US and the UK have regularly stated that ‘we do not negotiate with terrorists’, arguing that it is both morally indefensible and impractical – likely to encourage more terrorism and legitimize terrorist aims. However, other Western governments have negotiated with terrorist groups. In 2014, countries including France and Spain were…

  • Russia’s Lavrov Says Ready to Expand WAR/Nuclear WAR #READYFORWAR: RT

    Russia’s Lavrov Says Ready to Expand WAR/Nuclear WAR #READYFORWAR: RT

    The Russian foreign minister sat down for an hour-long interview with RT Editor-in-Chief Margarita Simonyan Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov spoke about Russia’s military campaign in Ukraine, sanctions and the confrontation with the West in an interview to RT and Sputnik on Wednesday. Speaking with RT Editor-in-Chief Margarita Simonyan, the minister explained why, despite a…

  • Archive 2016: Why Presidents Are Successfully Re-Elected Through Electoral Success?

    Archive 2016: Why Presidents Are Successfully Re-Elected Through Electoral Success?

    MOGADISHU (HAN) May 16. 2022. Public Diplomacy and Regional Stability Initiatives News. Monitoring Regional Issues by SIRAD Staff on August 12, 2016 in Reports. Public opinion data, as scholars, journalists, and political commentators have sought to answer this question; there has been considerable debate about the dynamics and impact of public opinion about president’s term in office for re-election, 2016.…



    MOGADISHU (HAN) May 16. 2022. Public Diplomacy and Regional Stability Initiatives News. Monitoring Regional Issues. OPINION By Faisal Roble Today is May 15, 2022 and it coincides two major events with each having its own weight in Somali history. About 75 years ago, the Somali Youth League, SYL, which delivered independence to Somalia was established.…

  • Somalia Hassan Sheikh Mohamud elected the 2022 Presidential Election

    Somalia Hassan Sheikh Mohamud elected the 2022 Presidential Election

    MOGADISHU (HAN) May 15. 2022. Public Diplomacy and Regional Stability Initiatives News. Monitoring Regional Issues.  Somali members of parliament have elected former leader Hassan Sheikh Mohamud as the country’s next president, following a long-overdue election on Sunday in the troubled Horn of Africa nation. Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, who served as Somalia’s president between 2012 and…

  • Ethiopia: EUCap Concerned Anti-Piracy Mandate off Somalia

    Ethiopia: EUCap Concerned Anti-Piracy Mandate off Somalia

    Addis Ababa (HAN) Regional Maritime security monitor By. January 16, 2022. EUCAP Somalia contributes to the establishment and capacity building of maritime civilian law enforcement capability in Somalia, including Somaliland. Updated issue By The  MARITIME EXECUTIVE. EU Concerned by the Looming Expiry of Anti-Piracy Mandate off Somalia Somalia is embroiled in a political crisis as…

  • Somaliland: The Indian Navy Deployed under the charter of World Food Programm

    Somaliland: The Indian Navy Deployed under the charter of World Food Programm

    According to Maritime-executive and IGAD2020 regional security Watch. The Indian Navy is participated in the IN – EUNAVFOR joint naval exercise with warships from the Italian, Spanish and French Navies, in the Gulf Of Aden. “A total of five warships from four navies are participating in the exercise on 18 and 19 June 2021. Other…

  • Somaliland to Join British Commonwealth Again:1954

    Somaliland to Join British Commonwealth Again:1954

    London (HAN) 17 January 2022 – Diplomacy and Regional Security Issues for The latest news and announcements including. President of Rwanda, and Commonwealth Secretary-General, The Rt. Hon. Patricia Scotland QC, have announced the postponement of CHOGM 2021 as a result of the continuing impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. Leaders of the Commonwealth countries meet every 2…

  • Africa: Security Briefing and Consultations

    Africa: Security Briefing and Consultations

    The Security Council will hold a briefing, followed by consultations, on West Africa and the Sahel. The expected briefers are Special Representative and head of the UN Office for West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS) Mahamat Saleh Annadif, Executive Director of the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) Ghada Fathi Waly and a representative…

  • Somaliland Foreign Minister “Their is no Somalia State”

    Somaliland Foreign Minister “Their is no Somalia State”

    Hargeisa (HAN) 11th January, 2022 – Public Diplomacy and Regional Security Issues. The Republic of Somaliland delegation led by The self-declared state, which gained independence in 1960 from British empire, sent its Foreign Minister, Essa Kayd, to Washington, London and Ottawa recently as part of a campaign to refashion its external relationships. A U.S. congressional staff…
