Geeska Afrika Online

Ethiopia: The 3rd Ministerial Retreat of AU’s Executive Council Concluded

MEKELLE (HAN) January 26, 2016 – Public Diplomacy and Regional Stability Initiatives News. The Executive Council of the African Union held at Mekelle from 24-25 January concluded its 3rd Ministerial Retreat on Monday (January 25).

The Mekelle Retreat which was built on the 1st Ministerial Retreat of the Executive Council held in Bahir Dar from 24-26 January 2014 and the 2nd Ministerial Retreat in Johannesburg on 9-10 June 2015 “reflected on progress in building ‘the Africa we want’, set out in Agenda 2063.” T

he Retreat dealt in depth on progresses of the flagship projects of Agenda 2063, shared experiences from countries such as Rwanda and the RECs and discussed on tourism and wildlife conservation. The retreat discussed capacity for implementation of Agenda 2063 based on 10 key areas drawing upon Ethiopia’s experience; among them are leadership, changing mindsets, capacity building, role of the diaspora and building knowledge networks.

The two days Ministerial retreat had identified a range of responses that would inform AU’s approach on the 1st Ten Year Implementation Plan Agenda 2063. The approaches, according to the draft outcome of the document, were the centrality of African unity, ownership and resolve, the need to advance and defend continental aspirations and priorities, the need for changing mindsets to build African Self-believe, a can-do attitude, solidarity and learning from each other, the importance of the empowerment of women and girls and exploiting the rich opportunities for continental renewal presented by Africa’s young men and women.

The retreat also elected the five rotating follow-up committee of the retreat from the five regions; Namibia, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Algeria and Rwanda. MFA







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