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Eritrea Daily: Development undertakings in Begu

Development undertakings in Begu Administrative area

Keren, 18 May 2016 – The residents of Begu administrative areas in collaboration with Gufa administrative area have carried out various undertakings in different water catchment areas.

Commending the inhabitants  for the active role they played in all the developmental tasks so far accomplished  and particularly that of women’s contribution,  Mr. Haile Ghebrezgihier, head of economic development in Keren Sub-zone,  he reminded the people of this respective areas to be attentive in preventing  planted seedlings from animal threat.

According to Eng. Andebrhan Tesfabrhan, from the Ministry of Agriculture, who has been engaged in providing technical assistance in all the activities so far accomplished, a construction of micro dam that have been mapped out to be implemented in the near future is expected to impound any drop of water and thus to make due contribution in the efforts being made in water conservation.

The inhabitants of this respective area have expressed eagerness for the speedy finalization of the water reservoir that is planned to be constructed. In line   with the soil and water conservation activities, the inhabitants of this sub-zone have constructed 18 km long terraces  and have also dug 6300 holes for the planting of seedlings.

Embatkala: Inauguration of Healthcare Station


Massawa, 18 May 2016 – In Embatkla administrative area, Ghinda’e sub-zone,  a newly constructed  healthcare station was inaugurated on 17 may. The healthcare station is expected to make due contribution  in the provision of a broader and improved service.

Constructed at an expense of Nakfa 6 million, the healthcare station that has 14 treatment classes would provide prenatal care, vaccination, voluntary counseling and pharmaceutical services.

Present in the inauguration ceremony, Ms.  Amina Nurhussien  expressed that the construction of the new healthcare station is a continuation of  varied infrastructural activities that have been carried out since the wake of independence and thus the station would play significant role in easing the challenges of the inhabitants of Embatkala.

Stating  that all of the social service institutions in the region have been providing commendable service to beneficiaries, the administrator of Northern Red Sea Region Ms. Tsegereda Weldeghergish  on her part said that the healthcare service expected to be provided in this new station would be enhanced through the active contribution of the inhabitants.

According to reports from the region,  newly constructed healthcare station in Erafayle and a community hospital in Bada have already been ready to render service.

Africa Day observed


Asmara, 18 May 2016 – “Africa Day” was observed in Asmara from 15 to 17 May with different activities in which all Embassies of African countries in Eritrea participated.

At the ceremony held at the Asmara Palace, in which senior Government and PFDJ officials, resident Ambassadors in Eritrea and invited guests took part, Ambassador Tesfamicael Gerahtu from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that the day is a reminder for the importance of strengthening of cooperation among the African countries.

The Ambassador stressed that the nation building process has not been properly carried out in most of the African countries due to the lack of political choice and common interest and values. And that, he further said, it is time to initiate development programs that participate the young generation.

He further emphasized that in the past 70 years the Eritrean people have been victims of the illegal and unjust system of the special interest groups. He also called on the African Union to condemn the illegal occupation of Eritrean territories by Ethiopia and the illegal sanctions imposed on Eritrea as well as the covert provocative agenda by the Ethiopian regime on Eritrea.

In the same vein, an exhibition prepared by the Embassies of the South Africa, the Sudan, Egypt, South Sudan and Libya was organized. The D.G. of the Department of Research and Information at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Isa Ahmed officially opened the exhibition.

The ceremony included sports competitions and film shows.

Messages of congratulations


Asmara, 18 May 2016- The leader of the People’s Republic of China, Mr. Xi Jinping, the Chairperson of the African Union Commission, Dr. Nkosazana Zuma and the President of the Federal Republic of Germany, Mr. Joachim Gauck  send messages of congratulations to the Government and people of Eritrea in connection with the Silver jubilee Independence Day anniversary.

In his message he sent on behalf of the Government and people of China, President Xi Jinping expressed his good wish to the Government and people of Eritrea. He also voiced readiness to advance the friendly relations and mutual beneficial cooperation between his country and Eritrea.

The Chairperson of the African Union Commission, Dr. Nkosazana Zuma and the President of the Federal Republic of Germany, Mr. Joachim Gauck wished good health to President Isaias Afwerki and peace and prosperity to the Eritrean people.




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