Geeska Afrika Online
Eritrea 2020 part 1


Khartoum (HAN) 20 October, 2020. Regional Security and Public Diplomacy. Sudanese generally like people who are forceful and aggressive and convey strength and for better or for worse, Isaias Afwerki does convey those things,” said Prof. Nur Kafi, the IGAD regional security and governance expert.

The Sudanese  President Al-Burhan thanked Eritrea leader Afwerki for its strong, unwavering solidarity with Sudan during social carisis and southern issues; stated that bilateral security cooperation has commenced; and, stressed the need to develop it further. Al-Burhan also stated that Sudan and Eritrean leaders share identical positions on the current geo-politics of the Horn of Africa, specially Somalia security and peace initiatives, South Sudan peace building and the regional partnership for integration and economic development mechanisms.

Many Sudanese elites see Afwerki as strongman, who has used his pulpit to speak out strongly against the TPLF regimes of Ethiopia and South Sudan rebel leaders, that use to work with Meles Zenawi against Eritrean positions.

“The perception is that he is an anti-EPRDF regional approach and that he will stand up against TPLF style  regimes in a way that Abey Ahmed was not perceived to have done,” said Ato Burhane Michael Nuguse, professor of political science. Many remember that Abey Ahmed renewed diplomatic relations with Eritrea and removed the regional assolation policy across IGAD regional security and peacebuilding initiatives, which facilitated entry to the international community and access for officials travel to the region.

EPRDF regime have also successfully labeled SUDAN and Eritrea indirectly as “international terrorism,” which is a word that brings back memories to many Eritrean exiles of Mengistu’s Ethiopia and Turabian’s Sudan, said Prof. Nour,  it was the main categories of Eritrean and Sudanese sanctions resulting from designation under these authorities include restrictions on U.S. foreign assistance; a ban on defense exports and sales; certain controls over exports of dual use items; and miscellaneous financial and other restrictions.

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