Geeska Afrika Online

This Weekends Top Tweets for Somalia

Mogadishu (HAN) November 16, 2020. Public Diplomacy and regional Security for election initiatives.

@TheVillaSomalia: President Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed ‘Farmaajo’ on Thursday night signed the electoral agreement that was jointly passed by the two Houses of the Federal Parliament on 26 September 2020

@MoHADM_Somalia: @MoHADM_Minister visited Jowhar’ main hospital to evaluate its overall capacity to deliver service to the people in #Jowhar. @hon_khadija promised that the #Government would focus on investing in the key social infrastructure to foster #community #resilience.

@HassanIstiila: Al-Shabaab claims responsibility for the IED bomb that targeted Hodan district commissioner Abdihakim Dhagajuun in Mogadishu’s Waaberi district overnight. Two people were killed, the DC escaped with injuries. Five days ago Senator Dr Dufle escaped an IED blast, killing 2 of his bodyguards.

 @AbdulBillowAli: National Security Minister calls on security apparatus and the Somali public to cooperate in strengthening security ahead of planned polls. In less than a month, Al-Shabaab has used IEDs to target government officials including a minister and district head in #Mogadishu. #Somalia

@UNSomalia: This week on #TubtaNabadda: Hanifa Mohamed Ibrahim @MwomenHRD and Syed Sadiq @UNWomenSomalia talk about #Somali #women’s inclusion, #participation and #representation in #politics and decision-making.

@EU_in_Somalia: By implementing the “Roadmap for DFI Investment,” #Somalia could support its entrepreneurs to have better access to finance and create jobs. How? Check out the Roadmap’s 5 key recommendations to attract investments by Development Finance Institutions.
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