Geeska Afrika Online

Uganda: leader Kizza Arrested Entering USA Embassy without Permission

Kampala (HAN) August 9, 2015 – Public Diplomacy and Regional Security Initiative News. A key opposition leader in Uganda and former FDC Party President has been arrested and is currently detained at Nagalama Police Station in Gayaza, a Kampala suburb.

Has he entered without permission any foreign embassy?,  according to the police…..Yes, he entered a USA embassy without the permission of the Ugandan protocols, responded by Police radio.

Police arrested Kizza Besigye who is an FDC Party Presidential aspirant on Thursday morning ahead of a planned rally. Police claim he would disrupt the community. Besigye was due to launch his campaign for the position of FDC flag bearer in the outskirts of Kampala.

But police claim that Besigye was not following Police orders. Meanwhile he was also scheduled to visit the US Embassy in Uganda where he said he had a meeting.’

The Ugandan opposition leader Kizza Besigye at a police station after his arrest


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