Geeska Afrika Online

Eritrea: Training organized for EDF Promotion

Asmara, 23 September 2020 – The Promotion and Information Unit of the Ministry of Defense organized six-week vocational training for 54 members. The trainees were inaugurated today, 23 September at the presence of General Filipos Weldeyohannes, Chief of Staff of the Eritrean Defense Forces.

Speaking at the inauguration ceremony, head of Information and Propaganda branch, Capt. Fessehaye Lemlem stated that the training was provided by experienced journalists from the Ministry of Information and invited professional trainers.

Capt. Fessehaye further noted that the training included journalism, editing and graphics, copy right and film production among others.

The Head of Promotion and Information Unit of the Ministry of Defense, Col. Solomon Seyoum on his part stated that the objective of the training was to professionally equip members for the EDF television program “Walta” that will start broadcasting in 2021 on ERI-TV.

Trainers on their part, stating the training expands and deepens their scope of knowledge on the field called for its sustainability.

Finally, General Filipos Weldeyohannes, Chief of Staff of the Eritrean Defense Forces pointing the leading role of arts and journalism in world affairs and its role in the Eritrean Struggle for Independence called on the trainees to live up to expectation.

In related news, training on short drama script on health and healthcare issues was provided to 20 journalists including 8 females from the various departments of the Ministry of Information. The training was organized in cooperation with the Ministry of Information and the Ministry of Health, the report added.

Speaking at the inauguration ceremony, Artist Efrem Kahsai, trainer, stating the objective of the training was to present health issues artistically on streamlines, expressed conviction that the training will enhance the capacity of the trainees.

Organizers of the training on their part called on the trainees to practically apply the knowledge they have acquired.






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