Geeska Afrika Online

The Somali politics With Professor Ahmad Ismail Samatar

Djibouti (HAN) March 15, 2014: Opinion analysis:We explain the signs in detail for those who reflect.

The politics of Somalia have gone through various periods of change. Following the outbreak of the civil war and the ensuing collapse of the Siad Barre regime. The politics of Somalia are defined by the state of civil war which, since 1991, has divided the country.

The politics of Somalia are defined by the state of civil war which, since 1991, has divided the country. What started out as various warring entities and autonomist and secessionist regions fighting for control developed into a fragile government fighting an Islamic insurgency.

Ottawa 2011: Prof. Ahmed Ismail Samatar iyo Hiil Qaran

This Year 2014: The Somaliland Community preparations are underway in Ottawa to welcome Prof Ahmed Ismail Samatar on March 22, 2014 from 6pm-10 pm at Ben Franklin Place, 101 Centerpointe Drive, Ottawa, Canada. Ottawa Bus Rout: 95. Beside Prof. Ahmed Ismail Samatar, Ottawa mayor and area MPs are expected to attend. Political scientist Jean Daudelin from Carleton University who advocated for Somaliland recognition with his Memo to Paul Martin will also address the audience.

For further information, please contact:
Ahmed Garaad: 613 -698-6805
Mohamed Ahmed: 613-4157530







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