Geeska Afrika Online
Metekel IDPs Within A Month

Taskforce Announces Preparations To Fully Reinstate Metekel IDPs Within A Month

Addis Ababa, March 12, 2021 – The Integrated Taskforce in Benshangul Gumuz has announced preparations to fully reinstate internally displaced from Metekel area within a month.

The taskforce reviewed its activities of the past two months in the light of preparations underway to return the displaced from several localities of Metekel Zone to their original places.

On the occasion, it is also indicated that the taskforce has undertaken various activities that involved participation of 160,000 residents to ensure peace and return normalcy in the area.

The region along with the taskforce has restructured 174 Kebeles and rooted out causes that inflicted the communal violence resulted in displacement of thousands of citizens from the zonal administration, the report indicated.

As part of the rehabilitation efforts, it is also sated by the taskforce that agricultural inputs including fertilizers and improved seeds have been arranged for distribution to enable IDPs resume their farming in the upcoming rainy season, it is learned.







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