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Sudan’s fragile transition needs international support to face challenges

December 8, 2020 (UNITED NATIONS) – UN senior official on Wednesday called on the international community to support the fragile democratic transition in Sudan saying it can be derailed by the huge challenges the country has been facing.

Under-Secretary-General for Political and Peacebuilding Affairs, Rosemary DiCarlo briefed the Security Council on the situation in Sudan and the activities of UNITAMS which preparing to begin its activities to support the democratic transition on the 1st of January 2021

Speaking in a virtual meeting of the 15-member body attended by the Sudanese ambassador to the United Nations, DiCarlo spoke about the difficult economic situation in Sudan coupled with the health crisis due to the COVID-19.

“Given Sudan’s arrears, the country has been unable to avail of debt relief. The increased spending on emergency health programmes, coupled with a decline in public revenues, has led to a budget deficit of approximately USD 250 million per month,” she said.

The US diplomat also highlighted the political fragmentation of the ruling coalition and their recent dispute with the military component over the formation of the partnership body to coordinate the transition and peace implementation process.

“Sudan is at a critical juncture. It can move forward decisively in its transition, but that process can still be derailed by the many challenges it faces,” said DiCarlo.

“It is incumbent on all of us to support Sudan in its efforts to achieve democratic governance, economic prosperity and an inclusive society for all Sudanese,” she further stressed.

UNITAMS deployment

Speaking about the United Nations Integrated Transition Assistance Mission in Sudan (UNITAMS), she said the mission has already begun to deploy to Khartoum since October.

“The mission will focus on the four objectives outlined in Resolution 2524: assist the political transition; support peace processes; assist peacebuilding, civilian protection and the rule of law; and support the mobilization of economic, development and humanitarian assistance,” said the international diplomat.

Further, she added that the political mission will provide good offices, technical support and capacity building, and will leverage the work of the United Nations country team.

While the UNITAMS’s headquarter will be in Khartoum, the mission will establish field offices in Darfur, the Two Areas and eastern Sudan.







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