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Sudanese public diplomacy team laud Ethiopia's dev't

Sudanese public diplomacy team laud Ethiopia’s dev’t

ADDIS ABABA (HAN) May 10.2016. Public Diplomacy & Regional Security News.BY FANUEL LAKEW. Sudanese Public Diplomacy Team members lauded various developmental activities being undertaken in Ethiopia and expressed interest to draw lesson from its experiences.

After visiting Addis Light Railway and Addis-Adama Expressway here Sunday, Sudanese International People’s Friendship Council Secretary General Abdul-Moniem Al-Sunni said that Ethiopia has shown transformation and it is on the right track with regard to development. Abdul-Moniem said that it could be a good lesson for Sudan. “I hope we would develop Addis-Khartoum Railway in the future,” he noted.

Nuha Mohammed from Ethio-Sudan Friendship Association on her part said that she was amazed at the various developmental achievements she witnessed across the country especially in the transport sector mentioning the Addis Light Railway project. This is a great step forward as the people have been actively taking part in poverty eradication move, Nuha added.

Mohammed Atair, who works in a pharmaceutical industry, said that it is his first visit and the development activities he witnessed are so impressive, thus, it showed that Ethiopia is moving on the right way.”

“I visited Ethiopia three years ago when the light railway was at start up but now the city residents have come to enjoy the transport service to within this short period of time,” Blue Nile TV Director Mohammed Zain Abdurahman told The Ethiopian Herald.

Mohammed Zain said that he has also been to different places out of Addis such as in Oromia and Amhara states and he has witnessed that the construction sector is booming and the development activities are also remarkable. Thus, as a friend, the two nations need to cooperate and work together. In this regard, the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) would contribute a great role in integrating the region as it benefits all countries in the region.



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