Geeska Afrika Online

Sudan: 10,000 Chadian Soldiers Deployed at the Libyan Boarders

Khartoum (HAN) December 5th, 2017 – Public Diplomacy & The Regional security impact about Libyan slavery business;  the plight of innocent African Youth Traveling across Mediterranean sea to migrate Europe.

The President of The Republic of Chad this morning has broke the silence on the ongoing slave trade going on in Libya by giving the Libyan government 24hrs to release every African held as a slave and every African migrant in their country if not he’s going to act out of bounds with the power of force.

Current situation: over 10,000 Soldiers armed are seen deployed at the Lybian boarders with Chad!!.

in 1990s, Terror victims had sued Libya for billions of pounds for supplying weapons and explosives to the IRA – but have found their claims scuppered by a backroom deal.
Now, African families will sue Libyan goverment against harming African migrants and selling as a slavery, sources in France tol;d Geeska Afrika online.

From left to right, on Qaddafi’s way, Saleh is dead:  Zine El Abedine Bin Ali of Tunisia (fled January 2011 – Hidding in Jeddah), Ali Abdullah Saleh of Yemen (kill by Houthi and Dead), Muammar Qaddafi of Libya (kill by his masses)




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