Geeska Afrika Online

Somaliland: The main purpose of president Silaanyo's trip

Hargeisa (HAN) August 5, 2015 – Public Diplomacy and Regional infrastructure Initiatives News. Citizens of Somaliland’s capital welcomed President A.M.M.Silanyo first lady Amina Haji Mahmud Jirde Minister of Presidential Hersi H Ali Director of presidential palace Chairman of leading party Muse Bihi Minster of treasurer Zamzam Abdi Adan Minster of of Interior Health, Minster of Foreign Affairs,  Minster of Education,  State Minster of treasurer,  after 8 days trip of Somaliland’s eastern region’s, main purpose of president Silaanyo’s trip was to visit the Erigabo road (150 km) which is funded by Somaliland diaspora Group.

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