Geeska Afrika Online

Somaliland Strategically Postponed Turkish Talks

Hargeisa (HAN) February 27, 2015 – Public Diplomacy and Regional political news. The talks between Somali federal government and Somaliland were postponed strategically by the Somaliland officials in Istanbul.

Somaliland strategic dialogue postponed ‘indefinitely’. The main reason for the delay was the inclusion “the Federal Negotiations Committee”, the Somali federal minister of information, Mohamad Abdi Maareeye.

According to Geeska Afrika sources, Somaliland would open negotiations with Somalia ‘without delay’ if federal government consider removing one of the committee member- minister of information.

Somalia wants to convince Somaliland to reunite with Somalia, an approach long dismissed by Somaliland

The two sides that convened several meetings seem to be preparing for a tougher new round of talks.

According to Sources in Hargeisa, Somaliland will reopen talks in March, if removed offensive strategic obstacles.


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5 Responses to “Somaliland Strategically Postponed Turkish Talks”

  1. axmed

    Somalia is forever united and one. The Qaadwaleyaal of Hargeisa and Burco should not be allowed to destroy our unity. The silent majority of Somalis everywhere and the not so silent people of Khaatumo and Awdal must determine their their destiny.

  2. Somalia is dead let just move forward somaliland is here to stay we are not looking back Long live the Republic of Somaliland

  3. Somali government are not able to re-unite galkacayo residents, hobyo residents.unfortunately to abuse someone is forbiden.but the truth is Somaliland is democratic country and will be independent forever one is able to use by force right now.there is no government in Somalia.b/c it will never be government unless African troops. God bless somaliland.Somaliland will be Somaliland.crazy Somalia will be failed state forever. Because go back what government of somalia did in lower shabeele and hiiraan specially Dir community that is clear evidence that somaliland will never back to be part of somalia.

  4. God bless u Marka cadeey boy.somali government and troops are envy because are not peoples government but its clan government.the government are responsible and we have clear evidence genocide and brutal actions occured in lower shabeele and Hiraan.rape is weapon of war they burned manay houses in the rural areas.somaliland will be independent soon inslh.if you believe somali people you will regret so people of somaliland are not ready to regret again so they will be independent inslh.never believe Somali government.

  5. weli

    those that told Siyad Barre that the then north Somalia was only around 200,000 and half of that emigrated to the gulf,therefore wont take months to eradicate thm are the ones at today’s forfront telling the admin in Mogadishu same hilarious stuff.If you want peace you leave Somaliland alone,if you don’t, we ready for the second round of the fight you working so hard for.

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