Geeska Afrika Online

Somaliland: Farmajo Move Will have Catastrophic Consequences for 2021 Elections

Hargeisa (HAN) November 16, 2020. Public Diplomacy and regional election initiatives. The speaker of upper sent a memo to the Somali election stakeholders, politician, educators, and bodies such as IGAD, AU, UNSC, UNSOM chair to intervene in the ongoing misunderstanding between the Somaliland representatives in Mogadishu and the  so-called elections committee or election representatives from “Somalia” which the speaker and his supporters are accusing Deputy Prime minister (DPM) of Somalia and Farmaajo for selecting Somaliland election committee without consulting its constituency, leaders and representatives in Mogadishu, Somalia (The Unionists for Somalia and Somaliland).

Meanwhile, the upper house speaker Abdi Hashi said in an official memo, from his desk dated November 13, 2020, which he said “selecting committee without consultation will have a catastrophic consequences for the upcoming Somali election 2020 and he added that “The villa Somalia election team who are running for office have appointed my constituency election committee, thus the federal President Farmajo and his deputy Prime minister (DPM) are to become judge and jury for Somaliland election committee,” Abdi hashi Hashi said.

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