Geeska Afrika Online

Somaliland: Diplomatic and Security offensive to Stop "Khatumo State"

Hargeisa (HAN) August 30, 2014 – Regional safety and security news. Presidential Palace, press statement sent to Geeska Afrika Online.  The regional tensions that arose in Eastern Somaliland in June, the same actors have sought to undermine the stability and territorial integrity of Somaliland by continuing to provoke local conflict and engage in terrorist activities. Ali Khalif and other spoilers in the “Khatumo” rebel movement have ignored attempts to resolve differences through peaceful dialogue and instead continued operating in the Eastern Regions in order to undermine the peace and stability experienced in Somaliland.

Somaliland responded Federal starategy to help Khaatumo


The democratically elected Government of the Republic of Somaliland has the sovereign authority and political legitimacy to maintain peace, protect its citizens, and has the right to intervene within the borders of its territory. The Government of the Republic of Somaliland has clearly stated that it is committed to the peaceful resolution of all disputes and welcomes all opportunities to engage in dialogue with local actors and its neighbours.

The International community will not tolerate an other group like ISIS budding in the Horn of Africa. If this Khatumo thing is not controlled, we will then have not one ISIS, but many ISIS-like terrorist group, who will come after the international community. Somaliland is trying to just prevent that. Therefore, Mr. Nicholas Kay and colleagues must understand that Somaliland is doing them a favor by dispersing the so-called Khatumo terrorists. To me terrorism is trying to reach your political goals through violent means and Khatumo is just doing that. If Khatumo is not stopped, believe me the whole region will go into flames, it all began with Al-Gaida and God knows where it will end.

However, the “Khatumo” rebel movement has sought to create tension, incite violence and cause civil unrest in parts of Sool region of Eastern Somaliland, which will not be tolerated by the Government of the Republic of Somaliland. The recent violence in Saaxdheer was a direct result of the “Khatumo” rebel movement’s presence in the town, which raised tensions amongst local actors.
We call on the international community to request that the “Khatumo” rebel movement and its supporters desist from any further acts that seek to cause tensions and incite civil unrest in Saaxdheer village of Eastern Somaliland. The international community, Somaliland and its neighbours have a shared interest in maintaining the peace and stability that has been evident in Somaliland for over 23 years.

Saeed Ali Muse, Communications Officer
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Somaliland, Hargeisa.


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One response to “Somaliland: Diplomatic and Security offensive to Stop "Khatumo State"”

  1. Abshir

    Ali – you are a tribal minded sick individual and you will never go anywhere.

    We are telling to the whole world, that people like you don’t speak for us, the Dhulbahante people. We will NOT allow to spoil our peace and tranquility because of your “Khatumo project.” A terrorist project that already reject by the people from Sool.

    Let me ask you, a simple question? Where is Khatumo State, which cities, where?
    The real answer is: Las Anod district only. Only one district cann’t be a State…. sick man.

    Where else? So call Sool, Sanaag & Ceyn………My friend Mohamed ali, all those areas, there four Major clans live there……. Dhulbahante, Habr Jeclo, Habr Yonis and Faqashini. The last three clans, plus majority of Dhulbahante don’t want to separate from Somaliland, so what you want to do…. you want to fight, think guns are the solution…… Well, even that you lost.

    VIVA Somaliland.

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