Geeska Afrika Online

Somaliland: Delegation in Djibouti to discuss Regional Security

Djibouti (HAN) April 17, 2014 – The Djibouti -Somaliland Ministerial discussions endearing the enhancement of relations between the two neighbouring countries have concluded successfully, according to the IGAD2020 Regional Security Watch.

The Somaliland high level team led by His excellency  minister Hirsi Haji Ali,  Public works and Social services colleague Abdirizaq Khalif which departed from Somaliland yesterday and they held talks with their Djibouti counterparts namely minister of Foreign Affairs Mahmud Ali Yusuf and Labour minister Abdi Hussein Ahmed.
According to His Excellency Hirsi Haji pertained to establish and enhancement for cooperation in security, trade and cross border movement among other strategic issues related to Horn Africa security and stability.

Djibouti and Somaliland enjoy cordial relations as can be discerned through regular ministerial level meetings the recent being the one in which somaliland interior minister Waran’ade entered into various security arrangements with his counterpart to maintain regional security and stability with an international standard. Latifa Yusuf Masai -SomalilandSund and HAN & Geeska Afrika Online Reporter Jamal Abiib.


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