Geeska Afrika Online

Somalia: Why didn't the Prime Minister wait to reshuffling after the Copenhagen conference?

Mogadishu (HAN) November 11, 2014 – Public diplomacy and Regional Security and safety news. By. Faisal Roble.

The first casualty of the Somali President – Prime Minister in fight. This is a great opportunity lost in Somalia. Why didn’t the Prime Minister wait to reshuffling until he returns back from the Copenhagen conference? Why rush? Suppose the Prime Minister did the reshuffling after Copenhagen, dismissed all his Ministers not only Farah Abdul  but all, he would have won the war.

Now that the US saying it is neutral to this matter, the only way the Prime Minister  survives is if he garners enough MR votes. And that is unlikely at this juncture.

Those who would like to support the Prime Minister , please do so with less tribal sentiment – I for one will not support him simply based on clan affiliation.


Related news Link: 

Somalia: U.S. Deeply Concerned With Somali Political Turmoil


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2 Responses to “Somalia: Why didn't the Prime Minister wait to reshuffling after the Copenhagen conference?”

  1. Keyse Abdi

    That’s a naive question, the PM is mandated to change the composition of his cabinet anytime he deems fit. The question is why would the President interfer? besides as we all know, the whole contention of this dispute is about the change of one Minister – Farah.

    * Is the president that inconsiderate and narccist to be willing to jeopardize the progress this nation has made thus far for the sake of one individual?

    * This author seems to suggest that the Presidents actions & re-action are predictable based on the PM’s actions… suggesting that the President doesn’t have the interest of the nation at heart but is there to protect his allies. Personal interest before the country.

  2. Mr. Editor,

    All knows the reason of why President Hassan Sheikh has immediately responded to his Prime Minister’s reshuffle. We may say, because the President is protecting his political allegiance especially Minister Farah Sheikh who is know to be the Principal Preacher of Danu-Jadiid… Firqa of Al-islaax.

    Therefore, becoming President without a Preacher is just like digging an endless hole. His Presidency would be valueless without Hon. Farah.

    Wa billahi towfiiq

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