Geeska Afrika Online

Somalia: UN envoy calls Somaliland to reconsider election delay

Mogadishu (HAN) May 14,2015 Public Diplomacy, Regional humanitarian, Security News. UN special envoy to Somalia Nicolas Kay has called separatist Somaliland administration to reconsider its decision of postponing the election.

Nicolas Key could not hide his displeasure saying his deeply disappointed by the decision to postpone the election which was scheduled to be held in July.

“Deeply concerned by move to postpone Somaliland elections by 22 months. Urge reconsideration “, he posted on his twitter account.

On Monday, Somaliland’s house of elders approved term extension of the current administration, allowing incumbent President Ahmed Mohamed Silanyo to stay in power in the next 22 months.

Opposition parties rejected the move and called their supporters to took to the streets in defiance on the extension term.

Somaliland declared its independence from the rest of Somalia after the collapse of the Central government in 1991, but has not been yet recognized. somalicurrent

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3 Responses to “Somalia: UN envoy calls Somaliland to reconsider election delay”

  1. lawyo

    is this un guy must be the most delutional individial on the planet
    how dare he even tought that somali acknoledges his exsistance.can some one tell this looser crawl back to were ever he creaped out.

  2. mako

    Mr Nicolas Key disappointed because of election postponement . Well UN is a corrupt, and racist institute well it has a lot of ugly history like Rwanda genocide, UN, EU, , and Americans, all their embassies were in the capital city of Somalia. When the Somalia fighting jet used to take off from Hargeissa air port and used to bombard the city in 88. the nations those who promote democracy,contributed to our suffering and killing they provided weapons, and support to the dictators non of them interfere they said it was internal affair but when Bosnia was attacked it was not internal affair when rich Kuwait was attacked the West destroyed Sadam Hussen in retaliation. when we built our country and nation established peace and security for 24 years and we promote democracy in Africa on of Westerns willing to recognized us. Necolas Kaey is taking side and creating war in Somaliland we can not accept that and we can not trust UN or Western countries. personally I wonder why the Somaliland leaders try to make friend with Israil may be they understand them more

  3. M. Nur

    “The dog barks and the Caravan moves on” (Somali version Af nooli wuu hadla aey na waa ciyaa”. Somaliland shines, goes on, even if some will try to stop their infant democratic process or talk against their development.
    This man with his colonial mentality, crossed all diplomatic niceties, drowned SOMALIA into deep shit during his service as UN envoy due to his ignorance and arrogance. Neither Somaliland nor Somalia , must not take a comfort by his sentimental play against one and the other. We heard earlier this year when he said Somalia parliament were bribed to make their choice of prime minister. Have he said that in other African country, he would have been escorted and forcibly boarded with the first flight. He should have been humiliated by his superiors and been end of his career. But why this Ban ki Moon, Hassan Sheikh and Siilaanyo still cuddle this man. CAJIIB. I WAIT THE SAVIORS.
    It is time we show the way not only him but all those likes.

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