Geeska Afrika Online

Somalia: Uganda Strategy to Restore peace and stability in Mogadishu

Mogadishu (HAN) May 12, 2014 – The Federal Somalia President Hassan Shiekh Mohamoud left Uganda after a top secret briefing with his counterpart President Yoweri Museveni of Uganda.President Hassan Mohamoud was received at Entebbe International Airport by State Minister for Regional Affairs, Asuman Kiyingi as well as some senior security official to breif him Ugandan new strategy to restore peace and stability in Mogadishu and Barawa zones.President Hassan Mohamoud  was accompanied by the top Somali security oficials, Minister for Defence Mohamed Sheik Hassan Hamud, the Police Chief Gen. Abdulhakim Dahir Said and the Commander of the Defence Forces Gen. Dahir Aden Elmi (Indhaqarsho)

President Hassan Mohamoud who has left for home after a two day working visit briefed the president as a regional leader about what is happening with the stabilization programme in Somalia, the security situation given the expanded area now under their control, challenges from within and also the vision 2016. He was also briefed about the constitutional reforms currently under way in Somalia.

His visit comes at the heels of a similar visit by Uganda’s parliamentary committee on defence to Somalia earlier this month to assess progress by Uganda troops serving under AMISOM and also toured positions held by Uganda and Burundi.The meeting was attended by the Deputy Chief of Defence Forces UPDF Brigadier Charles Angina and Inspector General of Police General Kale Kayihura.The Republic of Uganda has more than 6000 troops serving under African Unit of AMISOM.

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