Geeska Afrika Online

Somalia: The surrender of New Senior Al-Shabaab figure

Mogadishu  (HAN) January 16, 2015 – Public diplomacy and Regional Security and safety news. National Security Alert (Video).  A senior figure of Somali militant group Al-Shabaab has surrendered to the Somali government, local security official confirmed to the media today.

Bishar Adan Abdihakim, acting district commissioner of Luq city near the Somalia-Ethiopia border, told media the surrender of the senior Al-Shabaab figure, known him, Hassan Dhubi.

“We can confirm to you that we also have his AK 47 rifle which he surrendered to us,” said Abdihakim. He said the surrender of Dhubi indicates the failure of Al-Shabaab while urging those still in the forest to follow his suit.

Al-Shabaab Hassan Dhubi was a significant figure who spearheaded Al-Shabaab attacks in Luq city, Garbaharey and Burdhubo area, according to the Somali local security official. Hassan Dhubi surrender comes just few weeks after former Al- Shabaab intelligence chief Zakariya Ismail Hersi was detained by Somali security forces in Elwaq, near the Kenya-Somalia border.

The federal government of Somalia has late last year issued amnesty to Al-Shabaab members who defect, promising rehabilitation, security and their economic well-being.

Meanwhile, Kenyan jihadist resurfaces: “I neither hold a post in Al-Shabaab at the moment nor see myself holding any in the near future,” Kenyan jihadist Ahmad Iman Ali said.

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