Geeska Afrika Online

Somalia 2016: The Fulcrum of Leaders Influence for Peace & Trust

NAIROBI (HAN) June 16.2016. Public Diplomacy & Regional Security News. Question. How is the current security situation in Southern Somalia three years after the formation of the legitimate Federal Government? Did Somalia successfully or partially overcome the “bottleneck” phase that the country went through for the last two decades?

President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud said, “regional leadership is a strategic imperative for Somalia, not a favor we do for other countries. It amplifies our voice and extends our reach throughout regional states. It is the key to our stability, the fulcrum of our influence for peace and trust , and it matters – it really matters to the daily lives of Somalis. It matters that we get this moment right for Somalia and it matters that we get it right for the region.”

The former Minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs, Farah Sheikh Abdulkadir, says that the situation in Somalia has improved after the formation of a national reconciliation government, following the groundwork laid by the federal government’s initiative to empower regional leader’s consultation  forum for peace, stability and trust. The former minister also pointed out that “the security aspect of things is presently very reassuring in Somalia.”

President Hassan’s recent decisions provided moral and practical motivation to the federal security ministrs and its various departments, and gave it an incentive to recover its sovereign role of maintaining security and stability in the Federal Somalia controlled areas.

The UN Security Council has been clear about its expectations for Somalia and also clear that those who obstruct or undermine progress will not be tolerated whether they are a member of parliament, individuals or civil society groups.

According to Nicholas Kay “As a friend of Somalia and as a firm supporter of all your efforts, it is only fair that I should remind you of the high standards you have set for yourselves. Your international partners will hold you to account accordingly.” It is very easy to forget where we are today and where Somalia was 5 years ago. Somalia is currently moving forward to 2016 election but it will be a bumpy road ahead.




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