Geeska Afrika Online

Somalia: The EU Approves the comprehensive peace agreement in Kismayo

Mogadishu (HAN) September 2nd, 2014 – National security and regional threat level news. Peace keeping and monitoring work of the IGAD Monitoring Team (IMT) and of the members of its Civilian Protection Component.

According to Geeska Afrika Online security reporter in Kismayo, regional security parties have been kept fully informed of this monitoring work done by EU experts in Southern Somalia, Kismayo,  on security  incidents particularly related to humanitarian and human rights law which were regularly addressed by the Somali parties themselves in Kismayo and Southern Somalia tribal leaders.

The European Union (EU), welcomed the agreement by Col Barre Adan Shire  to participate in a reconciliation process and for his militia troops in kismayo to present themselves for screening and potential integration into the Somali National Army (SNA) with the support of the Federal Government of Somalia and international allies in the region.

“The European Union are welcome this agreement between Col. Barre and the Interim Juba Administration brokered by the Federal Government of Somalia. It is an important step forward in the path towards peace- and state-building for all Somalis.


The European Union (EU)  stand ready to support a reconciliation conference in the coming weeks and urge all parties to engage in constructive consultation and reconciliation involving all stakeholders, ensuring that the interests of all communities are protected. Somalia’s international partners remain committed to supporting the nation’s peace and state-building agenda”.

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