Geeska Afrika Online

Somalia strategy to enforce Illegal fishing Ships like Indonesia

Djibouti (HAN) April 27, 2016. Public Diplomacy & Regional Security News. Somalia threatened by illegal fishermen after west chases away pirates. Flotillas from Yemen, Iran and South Korea are breaching international maritime law and plundering the country’s rich fishing grounds. Shocking footage shows what happened to ship caught fishing illegally in Indonesian waters


Pirate-hunting western warships belatedly dispatched to the region as part of NATO, US and European Union forces to pacify the pirates and end the hijacking and hostage-taking of western ships and their crews, seem to have won the battle


Unfortunately, the illegal fishing in Somalia waters are increasing daily. Somali government and maritime security coordination officials are learning tacts using by Indonesia government.


“Illegal fishing in Somalia has tremendously reduced the fishing activities of local businesses, leading to low production. As a result, my business is facing difficulties,” says Jama Mohamud Ali, a business owner in Somalia’s maritime industry. “These large, modern fishing vessels are depleting our catch.”



A report reviewed and published by the SIRAD institute, to empower Somali statecraft,  shows that foreign illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing in Somali waters by foreign fleets is reducing fish stocks, and has caused widespread resentment among Somali coastal communities, threatening renewed maritime insecurity. The original report published by Securefishieries shows foreign IUU fishing in Somali waters has been a problem for decades.


Indonesia Tacts:

Indonesia Enforcers used explosives to sink a Nigerian-registered trawler that was apprehended fishing illegally in its waters last month


Indonesian authorities have hit upon a novel and no doubt effective way to deter illegal fishers – blow up their boats with dynamite. Enforcers used explosives to sink a Nigerian-registered trawler that was apprehended fishing illegally in its waters last month.Footage of the sinking shows the vessel, identified in media reports as the Viking, being blasted in shallow water off the coast of Pangandaran in West Java.


Marine conservation group Sea Shepherd claimed the Viking was one of several vessels notorious for poaching toothfish, which has been overfished to the point of population collapse. Indonesia regularly sinks vessels it finds fishing illegally in it waters.


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The Government has launched a major crackdown after it was claimed poachers cost the country £14bn in illegal fishing each year. First Admiral M. Zainudin of the Indonesian Navy said the armed forced had the mandate of the Government to act to prevent fishermen from stealing fish illegally.


He said: “We will continue to take firm actions against boats caught fishing illegally in Indonesian waters as per the president’s instructions.” This latest strategy was driven by the country’s President Joko Widodo who, since assuming office in October 2014, has had a zero tolerance policy on illegal fishing.





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