Geeska Afrika Online

Somalia: Somali Swiss citizen was Behind Turkish Car bomb target

Mogadishu (HAN) January 25, 2015 – Public diplomacy and the Horn of Africa Intelligence Security File News. Somali Intelligence identifies the SYL hotel attacker

Somali National Intelligence and Security Agency (NISA) has discovered the identified bomber, as a Somali-Swiss citizen,  who carried out car bomb attack  targeted against the heavily fortified SYL hotel in Somali Capital Mogadishu.

The Somali National Intelligence (NISA) told Geeska Afrika Online Intelligence Security File,  that Mohamud Osman Jimale, is a Somali Swiss citizen who has returned from Switzerland a year ago. Mohamud Osman Jimale was the militant that detonated the car bomb packed explosive at the gate of SYL Hotel, where Turkish presidential delegation was going to meet and discuss the official visit of President Erdogan.

Mohamud Osman Jimale, was a member of the Al-Shabaab militant group since 2013, according to the Somali National Intelligence files. Mohamud Osman Jimale mother is called Safi Dhibood Hashi and live in Mogadishu.

Somali Intelligence agency Jimale served as a leader in the collapsed Union of Islamic courts in the country in 2006 before he travelled to Europe by sea through Libya.

Al shabaab said their Thursday’s car bomb attack at the hotel was to send message to Erdogan that Mogadishu is not safe, but later Somalia govermant has confirmed that Erdogan’s visit will not undermine the SYL militant attack.

Photo: Al-Shabab militants Claims Responsibility for the Somali capital Bombing.

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One response to “Somalia: Somali Swiss citizen was Behind Turkish Car bomb target”

  1. Roland K. Moser

    I think, he (the bomber) came as refugee or a asylum seeker to switzerland.
    Switzerland is a taliban- an Al-Quaida-nest.

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