Geeska Afrika Online

Somalia: Somali Government Expels UN envoy over criticism

Nairobi (HAN) January 1st, 2019. Public diplomacy and International Security. The president says elements of the International community based in Halane has again reconfirmed its disdainful attitude to the sovereignty of independent states of Somalia.

President Mohamaed Abdullahi Farmajo states that UNSOM leader has again reconfirmed its disdainful attitude to the sovereignty of independent states and the value of human life in the region.

The Somali minister of Foreign affaires has declared United nations (U.N) especial envoy Nicholas Haysom of South Africa as persona non-grata, according to the official press release published by the Federal Government of Somalia.

In a statement by Somalia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs said UN especial envoy Nicholas Haysom would not be welcomed any longer to operate in Somalia.

The Federal minister of Foreign Affairs of Somalia accused him of “violating protocols” and “deliberately interfering” in Somalia

Ambassador Haysom was appointed just last September as Special Representative for Somalia and Head of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM).

The move by the Somali government followed after Mr. Haysom asked the government about whether UN-supported forces were involved in the shooting of demonstrators in Baidoa last month.

UN envoy to Somalia, Haysom also asked about the government’s legal basis for arresting Mukhtar Robow, Al Shabaab founder and spokesman of Al-Shabaab, who kill a prominent Somali youth, Students, business, ministers and leaders since 2010-2017, according to the DATA of HAN and Geeska Afrika Online.

Picture: Somaliland President Muse Bihi Abdi Receives United Nations Secretary-General’s Special Representative for Somalia Nicholas

@IGAD2020 Regional Security Watch


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