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Somalia: Somali army arrests six militants

MOGADISHU (HAN) March 19. 2021. Public Diplomacy and Regional Stability Initiatives News. Monitoring Regional Issues. Somali National Army (SNA) on Thursday arrested six al-Shabab militants in an offensive in Lower Shabelle, Somalia’s southern region, a military officer confirmed.

The army conducted the operation in villages in the region including Busley, Warta Mursal and Harbiga, and captured a number of militants, said Ali Abdullahi Halac, commander of SNA’s 64th Unit division.

“During the operation, we apprehended six al-Shabab militants with their weapons and we destroyed bases used by the militants in the region,” Halac told journalists.

He added the army will maintain the operations against al-Shabab cells in the region.

The latest incident came amid sustained operations by government forces against al-Shabab in southern regions where the militants are still holding swathes of rural areas, conducting ambushes, and planting landmines.




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