Geeska Afrika Online
Somali Mogadishu

Somalia: Russia Bans Fruits Import From the Country

MOGADISHU (HAN) July 17.2016. Public Diplomacy & Regional Security News. Federal Government of Russia has banned all fruits export from Somalia. Russian News Agency TASS has reported quoting statement from quality assurance department in the country.

Rosselkhonznadzor said fruits are exported from Somalia through illegal means and pass via several European countries before reaching Russia.

The quality assurance agency also banned fruits exported from Afghanistan on similar issue. Somalia and Russia do not share direct trading but export and imports from find their way in both countries through illegal means via third country.

Somali PM recently visited Moscow in an effort to renew old gold days of diplomatic and defense relationship. Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov hinted renewal of the diplomatic ties with old friend in the horn of African region. Dalsan Radio



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