Geeska Afrika Online

Somalia: Prime Minister meets Norwegian Prime Minister in Norway

Oslo (HAN) September 20, 2014 – Public diplomacy and National security news. The Prime Minister of Somalia, Abdiweli Sheikh Ahmed, meets Mrs. Erna Solberg, the Prime Minister of Norway in Oslo. Both Prime ministers  discussed bi-lateral relations between the two nations, in particular the security situation in Somalia and the support Norway provides to Somalia such as the budgetary support, support on education sector, humanitarian assistance, and job creation for young people. Mustafa Duhulow, the Minister of Information of Somalia was part of the delegation of the Prime Minister of Somalia.

Strategically, The Prime Minister met Norwegian PM Erna Solberg on his first official visit to the Norway since his election this year.  Sources told Geeska Afrika Online that, they agreed on the value to both countries of the close and deep co-operation between Somalia and Norway, especially on energy and Indian ocean security for international supply lines. They agreed also that the regional security and future energy assets in Somalia was of vital importance to both countries and discussed the possibility of additional Norwegian investment energy investment in Southern Somalia.

Working together for peace and long-term stability in the Middle East and the Horn of Africa

The Prime Minister of Somalia  in Oslo and it is expected for him to meet Somalis in Norway, as there are large number of Somali Diaspora Norwegian in Norway. Norway has been support the Federal Government of Somalia and the visit of the Prime Minister of Somalia will intensify the bi-lateral relations between the two nations.

The Prime Minister of Somalia yesterday attended an event at Lancaster House, London, UK organized by UK and co-chaired by Somalia and UK Governments.

The Prime Minister of Somalia, Abdiweli Sheikh Ahmed, meets Mrs. Ema Solberg, the Prime Minister of Norway in Oslo

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