Geeska Afrika Online

Somalia: Political leadership tension “puts at risk” lawmakers' goal

Mogadishu (HAN) November 4, 2014 – Public diplomacy and Regional Energy Security and safety news. Power struggles between Somalia’s president and prime minister are risking the war-torn country’s fragile gains, European Union and United Nations envoys warned Monday in a call for “responsible political leadership.”

“Somalia needs peace. It needs responsible political leadership.”

Quit taking cash bribes for votes, the U.N.’s representative to Somalia told the Somali’s lawmakers. The country’s president responded quickly on Monday with a reply that can be summed up in two words: Butt out.


EU special envoy Alexander Rondos said there was “deep concern” at the “public differences” between President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud and his prime minister, Abdiweli Sheikh Ahmed.

“This is already having an impact on the functioning of the federal institutions and Somalia’s state and peace building goals,” Rondos said in a statement Monday.

“Somalia needs peace. It needs responsible political leadership.”

Last month the prime minister reshuffled several cabinet members, among them close allies of the president, which Mohamud called “outrageous.”

UN envoy Nicholas Kay said the tension “puts at risk” political goals including a referendum on a new constitution next year, ahead of elections in 2016.

He also said he was worried about reports that lawmakers were being bribed with cash to vote.

“I am concerned about allegations of some MPs being asked to exchange votes for cash in the context of a potential ‘no confidence’ motion,” Kay said. “Somalia and Somalis deserve better.”

The Somali government, which took power in August 2012, was the first to be given global recognition since the collapse of Somalia’s hardline regime in 1991, and billions in foreign aid has been poured in.

It was hailed as offering the best chance for peace in a generation, replacing a transitional leadership mired in ineffectiveness and rampant corruption.


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