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Somali PM announces cabinet line-up

Somalia: PM announces cabinet line-up

MOGADISHU (Halbeeg News) – Prime Minister Mohamed Roble has this evening announced a new cabinet line-up barely a month after he assumed office.

The new cabinet which comprises of 27 ministers, 17 state ministers and 26 deputies contains 15 ministers from the outgoing cabinet.

Among who retained their posts are the deputy prime minister, Mahdi Guleid, Abdirahman Duale Beileh, finance minister, Ahmed Awad Isse, foreign minister as Fowziya Abikar, the health minister.

Former Information, labour, Justice and defence have lost their posts.

The line-up is included four female minister, among them are Khadija Mohamed Diriye, Maryam Aweys Jama,a, Hanifa Mohamed Ibrahim, and Fowziya Abikar Nur.

Roble was approved by Parliament September 18 days after being appointed by President Mohamed Farmaajo.

The Prime Minister will now proceed to the Lower House to seek their approval for the new council of ministers.






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