Somalia: Odowaa Technical Committee Selection "Excellent Model to Follow"

Mogadishu  (HAN) November 2nd, 2015 – Public Diplomacy and Regional Security and stability Initiatives  News.  Diplomatic Opinion agenda, By.Hon. Eng. Nadifa M. Osman, Somali Member of the Federal Parliament 2012-2016: The technical committee responsible for the state formation of the Hiiran and Middle Shabeelle regions has finally been selected, and was announced to the public recently.

In my opinion, the selection process was fair, transparent and inclusive to all.  No one clan should be more important than or above any other clan.  It works towards granting equality for all.

After what we have been through as a nation, we should start to learn to coexist. Political differences are to be expected and are necessary in order to have a fully functioning democratic society. But in order to move forward, we need to learn to compromise and support each other. The future of our country is more important than our petty grievances. Instead of singularly criticizing decisions, if we don’t agree with how something is done, then we should get into the political arena and try to create change. Criticism without solutions will not move our country forward. Our country needs us to come together to create positive change.

In regards to this selection, I do believe that this is an excellent model for rest of the country to follow. Many of us view the decision as a positive one. Considering the number of clans involved, the process was a very long and disruptive process, while the public suffered.

We have made horrible choices in the past that eventually led us to disaster but we should learn from our previous mistakes, and not repeat them by allowing ourselves to go down that path again.

We have taken many small successful steps, and as a country we are yearning for peace, stability & quick economic recovery.  We can’t afford any more problems.

So in summary, I think that this is the best solution that the Minister of interior could have implemented.  The people who are unhappy with this decision are in the minority, and in time we hope they will come around.

Hon. Eng. Nadifa M. Osman BS., MSc., MBA
Frm.  Minister Public Works & Reconstruction
Member of Infrastructure Standing Committee


What is the best way to select Technical Committee s for your Model (the Hiiran and Middle Shabeelle regions)? share Geeska Afrika Online your views and comments



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