Geeska Afrika Online

Somalia: Military Commander Killed in Mogadishu Ambush

MOGADISHU (HAN) December 26, 2015 – Public Diplomacy and Regional Stability Initiatives News. Gunmen shot dead Somali military Commander Col. Anshur Araye in an early raid on Saturday, a government official confirmed.

The Somali Army Commander was killed in Dharkenlay district in the capital Mogadishu by gunmen believed to be Al-Shabaab militants, said Ahmed Meyro Mo’aw, the District Commissioner of Dharkenlay in Benadir Region. “Col. Araye, a government military commander, was killed early today. Al-Shabaab militants often carry out such attacks.

Our forces are pursuing the case. We will bring the perpetrators to justice,” Mo’aw told Xinhua. There has been no claim of responsibility of the latest attack in Mogadishu. Al-Shabaab has already claimed the responsibility for the series of roadside bomb attacks and gunfire in Mogadishu in several incidences involving top security officials this month alone.

Somali National Army backed by the Africa Union Peacekeeping Forces in Somalia pushed out the Al-Shabaab militants from the capital in 2011. However, the group continues to carry out deadly attacks including individual attacks from that time up to now. Source: xinhuanet





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