Geeska Afrika Online

Somalia: Justice Minister Said “Justice Before Security Sector Reforms”

Mogadishu (HAN) November 23rd,  2020.  The IGAD2020 Regional  Security Sector Reforms & Intelligence updates.  The Minister of Justice of the Federal government of Somalia, Abdulkadir Mohamed Nour, has reiterated the importance of improving the judicial system of Somalia, especially one that can bring successful security, stability and  progress ahead, the Somali national news agency (SONNA) told Geeska Afrika Online news desk & Horn of Africa newsline (HAN).
The federal justice minister, who was former Somali diplomat in Ankara, Turkey and former acting director of  the National Intelligence & Security Agency (NISA),  re-affirms that justice ministry is working to improve the judicial system in Somalia, in order to get reliable justice service for the Somali people. “By implementing the policies and directives of the Heads of State, including President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmaajo and Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble, minister Nour said “we are working to ensure that the people of Somalia receive justice and are fair and free from corruption and bias,  and added Injustice is the absence of a  good governance and viable government institutions,” Minister Jama concluded his statement.
Somalia parliament has approved the country’s judicial service commission for the first time, after long had-working by the government of Somalia.
Photo:  The former intelligence chief takes over the reigns at the National Intelligence & Security Agency. Hussein Osman Hussein (left) is pictured with acting director Abdulkadir Mohamed Nur (Jama) at NISA – Dated 21st  February, 2018.
 (SONNA), Updated & edited by Geeska Afrika Online news desk
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