Geeska Afrika Online

Somalia: Federal Government thanks US for their commitment towards Security

Mogadishu (HAN) October 5, 2014. Public diplomacy and national security news. The federal Somalia Information minister visited Washington DC to enhance the bi-lateral relations between Somalia and US. Minister Duhulow landed in Washington DC on 28 September 2014 and had meetings with US Government officials which will continue till Friday 3rd October 2014. The Minister will be visiting Minnesota and Columbus Ohio to engage with Somali Community in the US.

The Minister of Information said:

“I came to Washington DC to enhance the bi-lateral relations between the two countries and to express our gratitude and appreciation to US Government’s leadership and support for Somalia. I am also here in Washington DC to update US officials on the current situation in Somalia and the huge progresses made on the ground in terms of security, public finance management, judicial reform, implementation of Federalism, good governance, reconciliation, media development and the plans that we have to implement Vision 2016.”

The Minister of Information continued to say,

“Officials that I met so far in the State Department, US media groups and other departments gave me a hope and renewed commitment that US will stand shoulder to shoulder with the Government and the people of Somalia. I am also expecting the US to support our grand plans to develop Somali Media such as providing capacity building to private media and government owned media. Officials that I met so far have showed commitment and appreciation to the progress made so far in Somalia. US Government will also support the grand plans that we have to the public awareness campaigns such as the campaign against corruption, the promotion of peace, good governance and stability through media. Ministry of Information will take lead in civic educations towards the review the Federal constitution and the implementation of Federalism as well as to the democratization process leading up to elections by 2016.”

The Minister of Information concluded:

“I am also planning to visit Minnesota and Columbus Ohio in order to meet with Somali Community in US. I look forward to having a fruitful discussion with Somalis in US. I will update them on the progress of the country as well as seeking their views and feedback on how we can move forward in order to ensure that in 2016 we hold fair and free elections in Somalia. As I am a member of Somalis in the Diaspora I will be discussing with them on how we together can stop our young people [from] joining terrorists groups. Somali culture and tradition promotes peace and harmony and that is against any sort of extremists’ ideology. I expect our religious leaders and young people [to] show their full and unwavering commitment to ensure that our young people do not join these terrorists groups.”

Photo: United-Nations-Under-Secretary-General-for-Political-Affairs-Jeffrey-Feltman-with-Somali-President-Sheikh-Hassan-Mohamud-at-Villa-Somalia-in-Mogadishu

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