Geeska Afrika Online

Somalia: Dialogue over the legitimacy of Jubbaland Parliament

Mogadishu  (HAN) August 31, 2015 – Public diplomacy and National Security News.  The Somali Federal Government’s Prime Minister Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke has visisted Kismayo. The regional leader of Jubbaland President Sheikh Ahmed Mohamed Islam (Madoobe), and his regional  Vice President Abdulkadir Haji Mohamud (Lugadere)  have welcomed Sharmarke’s delegation at Kismayo international airport. Somalia Prime Minister was being accompanied by Interior Minister Abdirahman Mohamed Hussein Odowaa and Attorney General Ahmed Ali Dahir on his trip to Jubaland.

Talks between the two sides focused on the ways of restoring the strained ties and disputes over the legitimacy of Jubbaland parliament. Speaking at a joint press conference with Sharmarke, Jubbaland President said that they stressed the need to move forward and the formation of joint committees in light of the prevailing political rift. “We agreed to resolve the complaints and we named committees that will discuss solutions to disputes,” President Sheikh Ahmed Mohamed told reporters.

Prime Minister Sharmarke who returned to Mogadishu wished that both Puntland and Jubbaland will play a pivotal role in Somalia’s political transition ahead of 2016 elections. On June 6, Somali Members of Parliament voted in favor of a controversial motion in a session marred by delays and lack of quorum. Jubbaland Vice President Gen. Abdullahi Sheikh Ismael (Fartag) reacted with the suspension of cooperation with UN-backed national government on the same day. GoobJoog


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One response to “Somalia: Dialogue over the legitimacy of Jubbaland Parliament”

  1. Hakim H. Kassim.

    While the issue concerning political legitimacy of Jubaland Parliament does equally apply to all sectional communities and the national government in Somalia, I think the real issue with which the Prime Minister has been concerned in his visit to Kismayu is much more political, here again trying to correct the provocations and problematic politics of his president, Hassan Sh. Mahamoud.
    Thus, though issue of legitimacy is here used as a token title for agenda of their discussions, yet ‘political legitimacy’ is a most fundamental topic which must be dealt with if the 2016 elections in Somalia are to mark a genuine step forward in our country.

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