Geeska Afrika Online

Somalia: Consumer Price Index (CPI) August 2020

Consumer Price Index (CPI) August 2020

The monthly change, August 2020 compared to July 2020, was a decrease of -0.86 percent. This is compared to a monthly decrease of -0.75 percent in the previous month of July 2020. The most significant monthly price increases were Housing, Water, Electricity & Gas (+5.71%), and Miscellaneous Goods & Services (+6.61).

Change In The Price Indices For August 2020

COICOP Classification Group CPI Weight August 2019 Index July 2020 Index August 2020 Index % change on previous month and current month % change on same month of previous year (yr on yr)
All Groups CPI 100.00 115.41 121.13 120.09 -0.86 4.05
Food & Non-Alcoholic Beverages 46.04 123.04 123.41 120.32 -2.51 -2.21
Tobacco & Narcotics 1.25 144.62 137.08 137.35 0.20 -5.03
Clothing & Footwear 5.03 121.36 169.09 143.37 -15.21 18.14
Housing, Water, Electricity & Gas 23.41 103.47 109.24 115.47 5.71 11.60
Furnishing, Households and Maintenance 2.93 102.71 108.64 108.96 0.30 6.09
Health 5.00 118.92 145.16 145.16 0.00 22.07
Transport 3.77 109.93 110.83 110.83 0.00 0.81
Communication 2.80 96.32 101.31 101.31 0.00 5.17
Recreation & Culture 1.00 98.29 98.54 98.54 0.00 0.25
Education 4.00 105.93 106.27 106.27 0.00 0.32
Restaurant & Hotels 2.00 134.19 136.61 136.61 0.00 1.80
Miscellaneous Goods & Services 2.77 105.81 111.67 119.06 6.61 12.52













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