Geeska Afrika Online

Somalia: Beautiful Beaches are Coming to Life

Mogadishu (HAN) December 5th, 2019. Regional Security initiatives. According to AMISOM mass media and its commanders: The Capital of Somalia, Mogadishu is coming to life, again. These days, Mogadishu’s beautiful beaches are a hive of activity. Nestled in northern Mogadishu, the popular hangout spot, Liido Beach, is surrounded by beautiful beach hotels and restaurants, which are a favourite weekend getaway for many local residents who go there to relax and enjoy their days away from the hustle and bustle of Mogadishu City. Over the years—thanks to the increasing peace and stability that Mogadishu is enjoying—the city, and in particular its sprawling beaches, have seen an increase in the number of ordinary people visiting them for business and for pleasure.

EU Representative “Visit this morning to custom services at the Port of Mogadishu. Impressive evolution led by Director General Jaffar: I am happy to praise the good work in building robust institutions and offer EU availability to accompany the process together with other partners”

The peace dividend is paying off in many ways, with Somalis from the diaspora also returning and investing heavily in the hotel and hospitality industry. The kaleidoscope of colour and laughter that are the sights and sounds of Liido Beach are a far cry from the period before 2009, when Mogadishu was under the control of the militant group Al-Shabaab, whose reign of terror forbade any form of leisure activities and banned swimming.

Commander “Seventeen police officers from Uganda have completed their one-year tour of duty where they served under the police component of the African Union Mission in Mogadishu”

After the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) forces routed Al-Shabaab out of Mogadishu in 2009, the city has been coming to life, regaining its former glory as a business hub and leisure destination. According to the World Bank report of August 2019, Somalia’s “real GDP is projected to grow by 3.0–3.5 percent, an outlook predicated on extension of the security gains and policy reforms the authorities have achieved to date,” the report indicated in part. Mobile money transfers have revolutionized business in Somalia and transactions are easy and fast. Today, the pristine waters of the ocean are beckoning. Liido Beach is a stretch of gorgeous sandy beach approximately two kilometres long in the north of the Somalia capital, Mogadishu, overlooking the Indian Ocean. The name Liido derives from the Italian word for ‘beach’. In the 1970’s and early 80’s the beach was full of foreign tourists, and many locals. Today, as Somalia rebuilds after years of armed conflict, security in and around Mogadishu is very tight. For everyone’s insurance, there are several checkpoints manned by heavily armed police and paramilitary officers before one gets to Liido. 

For friends and family. On Fridays, which are weekends in Somalia, it is now a common feature to see hundreds of residents; young and old, mothers and fathers, boys and girls, flock to Liido Beach to dine, swim, play beach soccer or, simply, take a boat ride across the waters. Local business people enjoy brisk business hiring out boats and luminous bright floaters for the less confident swimmers. Several hotels and restaurants offer freshly squeezed fruit juices, food and fresh fish, a variety of seafood and the choicest of Somalia’s cuisine. On the day of their graduation from Salaam University, close friends Sowda Abdirahman and Ruqia Afrah, chose Liido Beach as the best spot to celebrate their graduation. Clad in their black and green graduation gowns, the two young ladies were a standout among the swimmers and, confidently, told us that they were ready to help in the reconstruction of Mogadishu. They had both graduated with a degree in banking and finance. We caught up with Sowda, Ruqia and their families at the top balcony of Dolphin Hotel, which overlooks the ocean, giving one a bird’s eye view of the activity on the beach, and the serene waters. “We came here to find a cool place to relax as we celebrate our graduation because this is one of the most beautiful places in the city. I came to enjoy the moment with family and friends,’’ 21-year-old Sowda said, standing at the edge of the balcony gazing out at the beautiful view of Lido beach. As she looks across the ocean, 22-year-old Ruqia, talks about the future she dreams of for herself and her country. “First, I want to first work for a big corporation. Then I want to start a unique business that is not common so that other girls could emulate me. That is why I studied banking and finance,” she said…….

Sources HAN Rep in Mogadishu . Email –




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