Geeska Afrika Online

Somalia: AU Troops Intervene in Deadly Clan Fight

MOGADISHU (HAN) December 15, 2015 – Public Diplomacy and Regional Stability Initiatives News. The African Union (Amisom) troops from Djibouti and Ethiopia Monday reportedly intervened to quell a deadly inter-clan confrontation in central Somalia. The clashes that erupted on Sunday have claimed at least 14 lives, reports indicated.

According to the reports from Beletweyne town, the capital of Hiran region, two militias turned their guns on each other when one group sought revenge for two men killed earlier in the week. The dead, the reports said, included the combatants and civilians at Howlwadaag neighbourhood on the western side of the town. The clashes are said to have left at least 40 other people wounded, among them those hit by stray bullets.

Residents confirmed that confrontations had resumed on Monday, albeit with less intensity, prompting the Amisom intervention. Traditional clan elders, led by Ugas Abdurahman Ugas Khalif, were also reported to be trying to mediate between the warring sides.

 “Stop the fire and acknowledge the old Somali saying that wars do not produce boys, instead they kill boys,” remarked Ugas Abdurahman, addressing both sides. Somali clans often fight over control of power and resources and the cycle is often worsened by revenge attacks and long lasting rivalry. Source: theeastafrican





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