Geeska Afrika Online

Somalia: Al-Shabaab Again Execute 'Ethiopian spy'

Baidoa (HAN) March 22, 2015 – Public Diplomacy and Regional Security and Defense News. Ethiopian spy executed again in Southern Somalia for being a spy for the Ethiopian security forces in Somalia. It is again the series of executions by the Al-Shabaab militants which is trying to show-up its zones in Somalia.

Ali Salad Majin, a 20-years Somali citizen was executed by firing squad in Galhareri, a rural village in Galgadud, Sothern Somalia, after an ad-hoc court run by Al-Shabaab militants and convicted Ali Salad Majin of spying for Ethiopian forces in Southern Somalia.

Al-Shabaab militant  judge read the verdict at an open ground in the town, as a crowd gathered to watch the execution. By reading the militancy verdict, the so-called judge declared that the “convicted admitted all charges“, and immediately sentenced him to death by firing squad in Galhareri, a rural village in Galgadud .

“He admitted all charges, including the responsibility of the killing of many Muslims by Ethiopian troops in Elbur, thus the Islamic court sentenced him to death by firing squad.” 

Somali citizens Suspectedsuch cases and  arrested by Al-Shabaab don’t  get access to lawyers, prompting outrage by the human rights groups in Somalia accusing the Al-Shabaab group of human rights violations in Somalia.

Ethiopian forces in Bay and Bakool regions declines commenting on spy related issues.

Photo: Interview with Ambassador Ahmed Abdisalam Aden Somali Ambassador to Ethiopia, refused to comment in Nairobi

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