Geeska Afrika Online

Somalia Acknowledges UN Monitoring Reports

Nairobi (HAN) November 11th, 2017 – Public Diplomacy & Regional Security Initiatives. The Federal Government of Somalia led by the Prime Minister Khayre acknowledges the report by the Somalia & Eritrea Monitoring Group and is currently reviewing the findings.

The Federal Government of Somalia share many of the concerns raised in the report relating to threats to the peace, stability and security of Somalia, including the alarming use of chemicals by al-Shabaab in their bombs; the importation of illicit weapons flows to Somalia; the threat of ISIL to the region; the harmful export of charcoal and the continuation of illegal fishing.

While many challenges remain, there are also many successes. These include; financial reforms, development of the civil service, legislation passing through parliament, cooperation in preventing & countering violent extremism and an increase in coordinated international support.

The Federal Government thanks the international community for their continued support and has pledged to address the issues together. Lessons have been learned and the government are committed to taking these forward in the future.

Ministry of Information, Culture & Tourism



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