Geeska Afrika Online

Somalia: Abdikarim Guled Endorsed by 9 to 1 in Poll on his Leadership

Mogadishu (HAN) May 11, 2015 – Public diplomacy and Regional Security and Data Analysis News. The former Interior minister and security, Abdikarim Hussein Guleed has declared presidential candidate for central regions of Federal Somalia after a well organized ceremony has been held in  central Somali region of Galgadud. Opinion Poll Survey Conducted by Data Grid Somalia endorsed the leadership of Abdikarim Guuleed in Central Somalia Regional presidency

Regional Presidential Candidates popularity, touching issues and Federalism by the people of Central Regions of Somalia
Summary of the Report of the Opinion Poll Survey Conducted by Data Grid Somalia in Central Somalia Region, Somalia on April, 2015

Summary of the Report of the Opinion Poll Survey

Data Grid Somalia has conducted an opinion poll survey in Central Somalia region (Galkacyo, Adado, Ceelbur, Dhusamareb, Xerale and Abudwak districts) with the aim of gauging the feelings
and the expectations of the people of the central region regarding federalism and the upcoming regional presidential elections.
The main purpose of this study was to generate data and information on key issues and social indicators that are pertinent to the forthcoming regional presidential elections.
The report of the survey presents the opinions of the people on core issues around the federal dispensation. It gives the perception of the general public on issues are dear to the people and
are directly related to the federal dispensation. The specific objectives of the survey are as follows:

· To identify people’s need priorities in the region and issues which they expect to be addressed by the new administration.
· To determine the opinion of the people on the overall question of federalism and its significance
· To bring to light the candidates that are popular among the people of the central region This report might be of great use to the people of the central region, the federal government, the political actors and the international community which are stakeholders and are immensely interested in the country’s political future. This report further informs the political strategy of the various candidates who are contesting for the position of regional president for the central regions.
METHODOLOGY: Sample procedure

Purposive sampling technique has been used to select respondents to participate in the survey. The use of this technique has
lead to the selection of participants who are especially informative
and possessed the characteristics, roles, opinions, knowledge,
ideas or experiences that are particularly relevant to the
opinion poll. The samples were men and women who are opinion
leaders and significant clan elders in the various locations.
Questionnaire Design

A short and simple questionnaire with questions which are must
know, useful to know, logically possible to answer and necessary
for establishing the research questions and relevant to the survey
objectives were administered by enumerators face to face to
a sample of 180 respondents of the target population.

Good Youthful Elderly Others:  Education, Honesty Integrity Hardworking, Do you have a preferred candidate for the position of
regional president?

Ceelbuur Dhuusomareeb Cadaado Xeerale Galkacyo Cabudwaaq Guriel Xaradhere


Based on the finding of the survey, it has become known that majority of the people of central region support federalism as mode of governance for Somalia. The people of central Somalia
envision a leader who is honest, hardworking, youthful and one with good education as the right leader for the position of regional president. On scale of preference Abdikarim Guleed is the
outstanding candidate with a preference rating of 46%. Security is the single most important issue the people wants their new leader to address since they believe it will give impetus to other


1. The candidate contesting in the forthcoming
regional election should align their manifestos
to the needs, priorities and aspirations of the
people as evident in this report.
2. An elaborate Civic education program to educate
the people on how the federal system of
government so as to enable them adequately
prepare for the new dispensation by understanding
the roles and responsibilities of their
© Copyright 2015 DataGrid Somalia


Data Grid Somalia is an independent commercial research firm
that aims at enhancing economic, political and social atmosphere
in Somalia by providing cutting-edge data that is reliable, accurate
and accessible. One of the key areas of economic challenges
and good governance in Somalia is lack of data to compete in
business and to govern Somalia in general. Data Grid Somalia is
to narrow these gabs and establish national economic, political
and social data grid.

To provide sufficient, reliable and cost effective data that can be
used to enhance Somalia’s economic, political and social progress
and add value for our client’s inputs.

To establish a state of the art data bank that allows Somalia to
progress and investors to relay on.
Our Objectives

To maintain the highest threshold of professional conduct and
intellectual standards in order to deliver objective, reliable and
accurate research outcomes/data to our distinguished clients.
Do you support federalism?

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